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We'd made a mistake.

My father thought we could stay one step ahead of him. Harry believed we could beat him. And for a few fleeting moments I convinced myself that was actually true.

But as soon as I saw those bodies in the shipping container, I knew we were all wrong.

It almost seemed exciting, sneaking around the port late at night. On a mission to take down Aiden once and for all, to finally get what we needed to end this. Justice for those who'd died, a means to save my brother, redemption for myself.

But in hindsight, it was all a mistake.

Going to Red Hook was a move we shouldn't have made. We'd done it not realizing that Aiden was watching the whole time. He knew what we were going to do, he most likely positioned us to make that move himself. We were all just pawns after all. And he was the one moving the pieces around the board.

I'm not sure what decisions are even mine anymore.

Everything with Aiden was a manipulation. My entire relationship with him.. Our chance meeting, my falling for him, my being forced to stay with him. In all of it I was manipulated.

Except for Harry.

The choice of Harry was one I had made on my own. That blame falls entirely on my shoulders. It surrounds me, the guilt of it almost suffocating me. If I had chose differently, he would probably be at the gym right now. Training with Coach. Perfectly happy having never seen my face. Never getting that first text I sent to him, the one that put the nail in his coffin. That... that was on me.

That was the thought that played over and over in my mind since I woke up in this room, dizzy and my whole body aching in pain.

The reason Harry is involved in this is because of me.

I remember my father slamming on the brakes. I remember seeing the flash of light before the other car hit us. And then nothing.. until I woke up in this room.

It was small and dark, except for a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling. It blinked randomly, over and over it would cast the room back into darkness then again fill it with a dull light. It was something that would normally annoy me, but I'd slowly started to feel numb to everything.

My shoulders should ache. It's been hours now since I woke with my hands being tied behind my back as I sat in a metal chair. But they don't ache. My ankles were bound to the legs of the chair, tilted at an odd angle. They should hurt, but they don't. I just feel numb.

We'd made such a terrible mistake.

The large metal door to the room creaks open suddenly, the sound causing me to flinch.

Viktor steps inside, closing it behind him before studying me closely. I make sure I show no emotion on my face. I won't let them see me afraid.

"Stupid girl."

I suck in a breath, narrowing my eyes at him but remaining silent.

"Just like stupid boy."

"Where are they?" I spit, unable to remain quiet.

He doesn't answer me, only shaking his head with disgust.

"Where are they Viktor?!"

He comes towards me and I involuntarily cringe, expecting him to hit me. It's happened to many times now for me to not expect it. But he doesn't hit me, instead he removes the binds from around my ankles before also releasing my hands.

The Most Dangerous Game (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now