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When I wake the next morning all I feel is regret.

Sleeping seemed a waste of time. Just useless hours gone by without trying to get to her. Just more time she's spent alone, locked away in a room, just like Reid had been all those months.

We'd talked for hours before finally calling it a night. He told his story, and I'd shared mine.

The thought of what Carter had put him through this past year only made me more worried for Everly. Not being able to be there for her, to protect her, was nearly driving me mad. I'd never felt so powerless in my life. Never experienced the sense of utter panic I was feeling constantly every time I thought of her.

And all I could think of was HER.

Hauling myself out of bed, I stretch to try to alleviate some of the soreness in my muscles. It will take some time for my body to recover from the wreck, so they're won't be any training in my near future. Not that I need it to beat Decker in a man to man fight. Had he not drugged me the last time we boxed, I would of had a plenty easy time beating him. But I know our next match won't be an easy one. Not because he'll put up more a fight, but because of how I'll have to make sure it ends.

With him dead on the mat, by my hands.

My only hope is get this all sorted before that fight takes place.

I make a pit stop in the bathroom before walking into the living room. Reid is stretched out across my sofa, same as I left him last night, sleeping like the dead. Not that I blame him after what he's been through.

I busy myself in the kitchen, rifling through the cupboards to try to find us something decent to eat. The only thing I come up with is some stale cereal.

I pour two bowls, hearing Reid stir before he suddenly appears in the kitchen.

"This is the best I've got." I set the bowls down on my small table as he takes a seat across from me.

"Won't hear me complaining." He mumbles before digging in.

We eat in silence for a few moments before I notice Reid studying me.

"What?" I question before taking another bite of my food.

"I just want to make sure that we understand each other." He pauses, eyes narrowing, "Carter sent me here to make sure you follow through. Which I intend to do, unless we figure out another way out of this."

"There a question in there?"

"If it comes down to it, will you kill Jackson Decker to save Evie?"

"Absolutely." I don't hesitate in answering.

His face relaxes before he continues on, "And if it's your own life?"

"There's not much I wouldn't do, if I'm being honest."

He nods slowly, pulling his lower lip into his mouth. "So you've got no plan to leave? To run away from all this shit?"


"You sure?" He tilts his head to the side, "Cause if you do, then we have a problem."

"I'm not leaving unless she's with me."

"Same here."

"Good. And if you DO abandon her, then we have a problem as well."

A grin swiftly replaces the scowl on Reid's face. "I knew I was gonna like you."

"So we good?"

"We're good." He nods, looking over my face thoughtfully. "So.. you're in love with her, aren't you?"

A sudden wave of pressure moves through my chest, making it a bit hard to breathe. "I am."

"So are you gonna ask me?"

"Ask you what?" I question, sitting back in the chair and crossing my arms.

"For my blessing of course."

"That something I need?"

Reid's grin now covers his whole face, "If you want me to tell Evie I approve it is."

"Pretty sure she approves of me well enough on her own."


I raise my eye brow, unable to keep myself from smirking.

His face falls, "Not what I meant man. Don't want to hear about you and my sister..."

A loud banging on the front door causes us both to freeze.

I grab a knife from the counter and quickly move towards the door, grabbing the bat behind it and tossing it to Reid.

He catches it easily, raising it in the air before nodding at me.

I take a few deep breaths before pulling the door open, only to find a very shocked looking Nate standing on the other side of it.

Nate looks back and forth between Reid and I, taking in the weapons held in our hands.

"What the fuck... there a zombie apocalypse happening I don't know about?"

I roll my eyes and grab ahold of him, pulling him inside and shutting the door behind him. "Didn't figure you'd be here so early."

I move to set my knife back in the kitchen, seeing Reid still holding the bat at the ready.

"He's a friend."

Reid lowers the bat, relaxing his shoulders.

"So you're Everly's brother." Nate looks Reid up and down, "Of course you are."

"Mate, don't start." I sigh, shaking my head at him.

"Could you not give me a break just once H? Can you not find one person in New York to hang out with that I'm better looking then?" Nate raises his arms up in defense, "You could put just a little more effort into it for my sake. Just saying."

Reid glances at me questioningly before focusing on Nate. "This is the computer expert?"

"Didn't say expert." I correct him, "But he's as close as we're gonna get."

"Excuse me, I am an expert, even if it's self proclaimed." Nate defends himself.

"We'll see about that. What did you bring us?"

Nate walks over to the coffee table, setting his bag on top of it and riffling through it before pulling out various items.

"Four cellphones." He sets the phones out next to the bag, "Untraceable.. to anyone but me of course."

I pick up one of the phones off the table, handing it to Reid. "There's one for each of us."

"Who's the fourth one for?" Reid asks.

Another knock sounds at the door, causing me to smile.

"Someone I think you already know."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2022 ⏰

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