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"Smith and Westin M&P 9 model. It's an eight round clip, locks into the bottom.." Everly casually loads the small gun in her hand, before pointing to a little button on the side of it. "the safety is accessed by your thumb, here."

She holds the gun out to me, and I take it cautiously before gripping it firmly in my right hand.

"Never rest your finger on the trigger." She instructs. "Always keep it along the side of the barrel, it should only be on the trigger when you're shooting it."

I nod, feeling the light weight of it in my palm.

"Have you never shot a gun before?"

I raise an eyebrow at her, "Apparently you have."

"Dad took us to classes since we were kids." She shrugs.

I glance at Arthur, who pulls another small gun out of a duffle bag across the room.

"At the time it was to keep myself sharp." He walks over to us, handing Everly another gun just like the one I'm holding. "I didn't ever think you'd have to put those lessons to use."

"You any good?" I ask Everly.

"Evie was the best in every class she took." Arthur answers for her with a smile. "Used to piss her brother off.."

"Can we not talk about him?" Everly cuts him off, her loud voice surprising both of us.

"Evie... your brother.."

"Is only in this situation because of you. We're ALL only in this situation because of you!" She slams the gun down on the table in front of her suddenly.

"I know." Arthur sighs. "I'm sorry. I never thought it would lead to all of this."

He places a hand on Everly's shoulder but she quickly brushes it off.

"Arthur, could you give us a minute?" I gently ask.

"Sure." He mumbles before heading out of the room and down the hallway.

I wait until I hear a door close, signaling we're really alone.

"He loves you."

"He's put me through h.ell Harry." Everly exhales, shaking her head.

"I don't doubt that, not in the least. But he loves you."

"Does he?" Her eyes meet mine, "I used to think he did. But what he put me through...."

"He's been hiding away in here for over a year, trying to pin Carter; trying to put him away so he could be with you."

"This isn't about me. This is about my mother. He wants revenge for her death. You heard him, he's been obsessed with that since the day they pulled those storage containers out of the river."

"Course he wants revenge. Course he's been obsessed with it." I agree, "The woman he loved was taken away from him. But when he realized you were in danger, it became about you. You and Reid, you're the last pieces of her he has. The rest is just memories. You're more important then any memory."

"You really believe that?"

"Those aren't my words love, they're his." I reach out my hand, pulling her towards me. "You're the one that needs to believe them."

She lets me wrap my arms around her, holding her as she take a few deep breaths. Her hot breath hits the front of my shirt as she lays her head against it.

"Forgive him." I whisper softly.

She looks up at me, her eyes red. "Forgive me Harry."

"Already done." I answer truthfully. "Like I said, I'm in."

The Most Dangerous Game (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now