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"Watch your breathing Styles."

I focus on the mirror in front of me, throwing my right arm forward as I pivot off my front foot.

"You're whole body is tense, how many f.ucking times do I have to tell you? Relax!"

I grunt in annoyance, continuing my offensive combination while watching my reflection.

"Exhale as you punch." Coach stands to the side of me, eyes trained on my quick movements.

I blow out a sharp puff of air as I throw out my left fist, tightening my arm and rotating my body.

"Pick up the pace!"

Sweat trickles down my forehead, blurring my vision as I attempt to increase my speed.

"Faster Styles!"

My body moves on its own, throwing out a quick succession of calculated jabs while making sure to keep my feet moving.


I stop suddenly, spitting my mouth guard out onto the mat.

"I can't go any f.ucking faster!" I yell, my deep voice echoing against the bare walls. "I've been at it for three bloody hours now!"

"And you haven't been focused for more then fifteen minutes at a time." Coach points out. "Get your mouth guard back in."

I lean forward, resting my hands on my knees as I try to catch my breath. It's been ages since Coach has worked me this hard. But he's right, my mind hasn't been in it.

"Do your warm down then go home."

"We're done?" I ask as Coach chucks a towel towards me.

"No point if you can't focus. Come back in tomorrow morning."

"But tomorrow's a off day and.." I start to complain but am abruptly cut off.

"Not anymore. Now get out of my sight. And I want your head here tomorrow, no where else, you got it?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

"I will." I nod.

I wipe my face as he heads towards his office, dismissing me without so much as a goodbye.

Throwing the towel to the side, I drop myself down onto the floor, arms extended and toes holding my weight off the floor.

After taking a few deep breaths, I bend my elbows before pushing myself back up and away from the floor.

I follow the same warm down routine as always... A hundred push ups, followed by a hundred sit ups, followed by a hundred crunches, ending with simple stretches to ensure my muscles don't become to sore.

It's all done mindlessly and before I know it I'm stepping out of the hot shower in the locker rooms.

As I change and store my gear in my locker, I glance to my left. Down the long row of gray metal lockers, right to the spot I know Decker's to be.

The Most Dangerous Game (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now