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I expected there to be blood.

It had sprayed out across the end of his desk, hitting the wall. I don't think I'll ever forget the sight of it.

But there wasn't any blood.

I expected to find his body slumped over his desk. The chair I had knocked over still on it's side on the floor.

But I found none of it.

Coach's office was completely empty, clean even. There was no blood, no body, there wasn't even any furniture.

There was nothing.

It was as if it hadn't been used in ages. As if he hadn't just died in this room hours ago.

No evidence, none at all, that he had been murdered here right in front of me.

I swallow, biting the inside of my cheek to fight the tears threatening to break free.

I look down at the envelope crushed in my fist, my knuckles white from their tight grasp on it.

I'm going to kill him.

I don't know how, or when, but Aiden Carter will die by my hand.

For what's he done to Coach.. for what he's done to Everly.

To keep her safe.

Ripping the envelope open, I unfold the single piece of paper.

Report to the gym tomorrow morning at 6am for training.
All fights have been cancelled except for the final fight of our agreement, five weeks from today.
If you do not follow instructions precisely, there will be consequences.

I crumple the paper in my hand, letting it drop to the floor.

I already know who'll I'll be fighting that night. And I already know what I'll be expected to do.

I have to keep my family safe, my friends safe, Everly safe. But can I really kill someone to ensure that?

Aiden Carter isn't a question, a man like that deserves to meet his end. But someone who's innocent? An asshole, yes, who I also happen to hate. But also... innocent.

I close my eyes, my head pounding from the events of today.

I know what Carter means by 'consequences'. If I don't do exactly what he says, more people I love will end up just like Coach. Murdered, most likely right in front of me like he was.

I can't let that happen.

No matter how difficult it may be, if it comes down to it... If whatever plan we have doesn't work...

Five weeks from today I'll have to kill Jackson Decker.

I turn, leaving the empty room behind me as I made my way towards the front of the building. Dorothy isn't sat in her usual chair, and I briefly panic before remembering she is on holiday for the next few weeks visiting her son. I pull out my phone to ring her, wanting to warn her to not come back, but I hesitate before pressing call. Any contact I have with her at this point would only put her in danger. Shoving my phone back in my pocket, I make a mental note to have Arthur reach out to her.

My bike is still sat out at the curb, waiting for me. It feels like a whole lifetime has went by since I rode to the gym last night.

Everly is probably worried sick with how long I've been gone. Thankfully I know her dad would never let her come after me. If she had, the last 15 hours would of went much worse.

Holding my worn helmet in my hands, I start to throw my leg over the bike.


I glance over my shoulder behind me, seeing a very stunned Nate walking down the sidewalk.

I quickly set my helmet back down, moving towards him.

"You're here? I thought you'd..." His words are cut off as I grab him into a hug.

"Woah, you alright buddy?" He pats me on the back as I struggle to keep myself composed. "H?"

"Yeah.." I nod, letting go of him. "Are you okay? Why're you here?"

"Why am I here? What the fuck are you still doing in New York?"

"My plans changed. You shouldn't be here Nate."

"Calm your tits, I just wanted to talk to Coach. About your abrupt departure actually."

"You... He's..." I suck in a sharp breath, steadying myself "He's gone."

"Gone? Does he even have a personal life? Dude practically lives at this gym."

I look way from him, focusing my eyes across the street, "Yeah.."

"What the fuck is going on Harry? You're a mess."

"I..." I pause, wanting to tell him the truth, but knowing it would only put him in danger, "I've got shit to deal with before I leave the states is all. Has got me out of sorts."


"She's part of it."

"You want her to go with you?"

"Yes, course I do. But's it's complicated."

"Complicated as in she's still treating you like shit?"

"Complicated as in complicated."

"Ah.. well that explains absolutely nothing." He narrows his eyes as I return my focus to him. "You alright H?"

"Yeah, I will be anyway."

"You know I've got your back right? Wether it be complicated or 'complicated'."

"I know you do." I glance up and down the street, suddenly afraid we are being watched, "Look Nate, I've got to go okay?"

"Yeah, alright. Seriously though, you need help or anything, you call me. And even if you don't, just fucking call me so I know what country you're in alright?"

I nod, forcing myself to smile. "I will."

Nate steps back, eyeing me suspiciously as I get on my bike.

"Hey H?"

"Yeah?" I glance over at him while strapping my helmet on.

"I hope she's worth it."

The Most Dangerous Game (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now