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It doesn't seem real, finally seeing him.

Though I'd held out hope, I'd actually come to believe I would probably never see him again. Not after the horrible things I had seen Aiden do. Not after all those who were already dead, our father now being truly among them.

But here he was, sitting right in front of me. His face beaten and bruised, cuts littering the surface of it.

It was an odd sense of completeness that washed over me when our eyes met. We'd never been apart for more then a few weeks before he'd disappeared. Being twins, there was a connection between us that I'd never even realized until he was gone. We'd been together through everything growing up. Always each other's adamant champion, confidant, and protector.

And then he'd left. And I was suddenly alone, for the first time in my life.

"I'm sure you both have a lot to catch up on." Aiden's voice cuts through the stillness in the room.

He leaves the room as Viktor removes the cuffs from Reid's wrists. Viktor looks back and forth between us, shaking his head before following in Aiden's footsteps and closing the door after them.

Leaving us alone, staring at each other once again in silence. I can see so many emotions written across his battered face.

Sadness, anger.. regret.


"You left me." I cut him off quickly.

"I know."

"You left me to deal with Dad's..." My voice wavers, feeling the newness and pain of his recent death wash over me, "You left me."

"I know." Reid sighs and relaxes his shoulders, rubbing his newly freed wrists before locking eyes with me again. "Evie, I'm sorry. I left, yeah, but not like you think. He's.. He's dead now isn't he? For real this time?"

I nod, biting the inside of my cheek to keep from crying.

"How'd it happen?"

"I don't know." I shrug, "We were all in the car, someone hit us. I blacked out and woke up here."


"Us.. Dad and I.. and Harry."

"The boxer." Reid whispers, nodding in understanding.

"How do you know.."

Reid shakes his head, ticking it upward and towards the corner behind his right shoulder. Glancing over it, I spot a camera hung from the ceiling.

I look back at Reid as his right hand moves up in front of him, blocked from the cameras view. He drags his index finger backwards across his chin, then flicks his finger downward.

A few brief seconds pass before I register what he's doing.


I mentally thank my father for making us learn sign language when we were younger. He always said having a way to communicate without speaking was as important as being able to defend ourselves physically. I never understood that until now.

I nod, my brow crinkling in confusion. Why would Viktor be giving Reid information?

"I was going to meet you Evie."


Reid leans forward in his chair, resting his elbows on his knees. "When Dad.. when we thought he'd died... I left, yeah, but I was going to meet you in Japan. I couldn't let you do that alone."

The Most Dangerous Game (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now