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"It's been to long."

Pushing the heavy curtain slightly to the side, I peek down at the darkened street below.

"He's been gone to long." I shake my head, dropping my hand from the fabric and pacing back across the room.

"He'll be alright." My father speaks up, causing me to stop my movements and glare at him.

"Nothing is alright."

"You know what I mean't." He sighs, rubbing his palm across his face.

"I don't know anything anymore."


"Stop calling me that!" I snap, "Reid is the only one who calls me that."

"Everly I'm sorry..."

I sigh, bringing my hand up to the back of my neck, trying and failing to rub some of the tension out of it.

"No, I'm sorry. I do understand, at least somewhat. After what happened... you couldn't just let it go." I shrug, focusing on my father.

"I loved your mother, very much." A pained smile forces it's away across his face. "I needed answers. And I... I wanted justice. First for her, then for all the others who have lost their life."

"And what if there are no answers? No true justice?"

"Then I'll settle for revenge."

I nod, letting the weight of everything I learned today sink in. My father is alive... Harry is still here. I suddenly don't feel so alone anymore. That gives me a small sense of relief. But now I also have so much more to lose. So much more. The fear of that fact washes away any relief I have, replacing it with dread. There's no running from this, no escape. Not for any of us.. not anymore.

"Do you think we'll make it out of this alive?" My voice comes out as almost a whisper, not able to mask my despair.

My father moves towards me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "You will Everly. I'll make sure of it."

"It's not me I'm worried about. You.. Reid... Harry. I can't lose any of you. I won't have anyone else dying because of me."

"Anyone else?" He leans away from me, looking down at my face.

"My friend, Maya." I choke back a sob. "Carter killed her. He shot her right in front of me. Because of me."

"No, not because of you."

"Yes, because of me! She wanted to leave and I convinced her to stay. She would of been gone.. safe."

"After everyone who has died because of Aiden Carter, do you truly believe her death is on you? You can't Everly."

I shake my head, pushing away from him.

"If I had.."

"No." He cuts me off, "If you had done anything differently, she most likely would of been dead sooner. Or worse, shipped off like they'd tried to do with your mother."

"But I..."

"No Everly. If you're responsible for her death, then I'm responsible for all of these." He walks over to a white board, spinning it around on it's wheels so the back is now facing us.

I walk over to it, my tear filled eyes having a hard time focusing on the numerous pictures taped to the surface. They cover it entirely. Faces of so many young women. Their eyes stare back at me just as Meredith's did in the photo I stole of her. Almost as if they are asking for help.

"These are just some of the women I know of that have died or been taken since I started working on this case. Are their deaths on me?"

"Of course they aren't." I turn towards my father.

"If I had solved it sooner.. if I had taken down those responsible for this.. A lot of these women would still be alive, at home with their families." He sighs, rubbing his face as he glances over all the photos. "That thought, it tore me up inside. But I didn't kill these women Everly. And you didn't fire the shot that killed Maya."

I nod weekly, a fresh tear making it's way down my cheek.

"But we do have a responsibility. We have to make sure this stops. One way or another."

"One way or another." I agree, exhaling sharply. "We need a plan."

"I have one, at least I did. Harry almost leaving may have shot that to hell though. Carter's going to be moving things along a lot more quickly now that he realizes he's not in full control."

"I may have a plan."

He raises an eyebrow at me questioningly. "Why do I get the feeling I'm not going to like this?"

"You're most definitely not. But hear me out first."

"Alright, shall we wait until Harry get's back?"

"No." I shake my head, suddenly feeling a wave of confidence wash over me. "Harry can only know about part A of the plan. Part B is just between us."

The Most Dangerous Game (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now