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It's the second time I've waited for her.

Standing outside the door of her flat, leaning against the brick wall behind me.

Feeling the same as I always do when I'm about to see her. A bit anxious, a little nervous even.

Maybe Nate was right when he'd called me whipped. Maybe that's exactly what I was.

It was something I'd prided myself in never being before.

I controlled my emotions. My happiness.

Except now I didn't. They'd somehow been taken over completely by the same woman I'm now impatiently waiting for.

I don't even know what the h.ell I'm really doing.

My first real attempt at any sort of relationship and it's the most f.ucked up situation I'd ever heard of.

She's engaged, to the bloody wanker who is bribing me. Threatening my family to work for him.

And here I was, waiting.


I look up at the sound of the lift doors opening, a smile tugging up the corners of my lips as Everly steps out of it.

Her long blonde hair is now down around her shoulders in soft waves, framing her delicate features.

Away from prying eyes, her whole countenance seems more relaxed. Like she's finally taking a proper breath after days of pretending.

"Hey." She stops in front of me, offering me a soft smile.

One far different then the ones I saw her give anyone at the party. This one is genuine; it reaches her bright blue eyes.

And it somehow makes everything around us seem to go a bit slower... all while making my heart pound furiously in my chest.

That's why.

She makes me feel things I can't even begin to explain.

That's why I wait for her.

"Hey back." I grin, my gaze landing on her full pink lips.

She bites her bottom lip, knowing full well I'm staring, but I can't help it. She's f.ucking gorgeous and it's been far to bloody long since I've last kissed her.

"If you want to kiss me, all you have to do is ask." She teases playfully.

"If I'm to do that every time I want to kiss you, you're going to get awfully bored of that question." I chuckle, glancing back and forth between her eyes and lips.

Her cheeks flush as she shakes her head at me, laughing.

"What?" I ask, when I notice her slightly surprised expression.

"Nothing." She fumbles with her keys, turning to unlock her door.

I follow her inside, closing and locking the large wooden door behind us as she sets her things down on the table next to her front door.

The Most Dangerous Game (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now