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As usual, I'm not listening to a word they're saying.

I vaguely recall hearing something about a summer home in Tuscany, but my brain completely checked out soon after.

In my time dating Carter, I quickly learned this was what conversations with wealthy housewives consisted of.

It was always about money. Who husband made the most and how ridiculously it could be spent.

I personally didn't give a s.hit about any of it, but I still played the part expected of me. I smiled and nodded... made sure I appeared impressed or jealous when appropriate.

But in reality I was bored out of my mind as they chatted back and forth.

Lightly gripping my chilled glass of Le Pin, I take a sip as I gaze around the large room.

It's the same crowd that always attends Carter's parties. Businessmen and politicians, accompanied by their wife's or mistresses.

To them it meant something to be invited. And they all practically salivated at the chance to suck up to the great Aiden Carter.

I spot him halfway across the room, dressed impeccably as always. In a suit that could most likely pay for my college tuition. Surrounded by three men all vying for his attention.

Our eyes meet briefly and he raises his glass to me, a gentle smile curving up his lips as he nods.

It's times like this it's hard to believe what a monster he truly is. When his smile is so genuine. His eyes soft. His demeanor welcoming.

This is the Aiden I fell for.

The Adien I thought I fell for.

But just like me, he does a wonderful job at pretending to be someone other then who he really is.

I try to convey warmth in the quick smile I shoot his way before focusing back on the women around me. Hoping it masked how cold I really feel every time his gaze meets mine.

Emptying my glass, I politely excuse myself and head towards the bar set up in the far corner of the room.

Ordering my second glass of wine for the night, I set my used glass on the counter with a heavy sigh.

"Two glasses in less then thirty minutes? Is someone trying to get drunk?"

My body slightly flinches at the sound of the deep voice coming from my right. My muscles tensing up instantly as I keep my eyes focused on my hands resting on the edge of the dark granite countertop.

"You should try the Petrus." He adds. "Seems more your taste."

"And you should f.uck off." I reply under my breath.

Jackson laughs lightly, but isn't deterred. "You're quite the spitfire aren't you?"

My lips form a tight line as I mentally urge the bartender to hurry with my drink. That or just bring me a bottle to bash Jackson over the head with.

"But of course..." He goes on, leaning towards me. "I already knew that. You really are pretty strong, for someone your size. I was..."

"What do you want?" I cut him off, finally looking over at him with a glare.

"I thought maybe we could be friends." He grins, looking me up and down. "Or more, if you want."

The Most Dangerous Game (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now