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I keep my eyes focused down, watching my fingers turn the white linen napkin over and over again.

I study it, looking for any sign of a flaw. An uneven stitch, a faded stain. But I don't find one. Not one single mark of imperfection.

My eyes move on to my hands. Smooth skin, manicured nails. A color I would never pick for myself, but still flawless.

I carefully adjust my skirt and blouse, feeling the soft fabric with my fingertips. It's Italian. The best money could buy. But it wasn't my money that bought it.

I sit up straighter in my seat, feeling the eyes of strangers trained on me. I know they're staring. Just waiting.

Same as I am.

"Would you like to order now miss?"

I look up at the young waiter, giving him a soft smile. "No thank you. He should be here soon."

I'm given a sympathetic nod in response. It's a kind gesture, one I've received four times now since I've sat down.

Since all the eyes in the room started watching me. The woman who was sat at his table.

I was almost used to the attention. Almost.

When I hear the quiet chatter in the room completely cease, I know it could only be because of one person.


I don't turn around in my seat to confirm my theory. It's proved true when I feel a kiss pressed to my cheek within seconds.

"Darling, sorry I was held up."

"It's alright." I smile as the chair in front of me is finally occupied.

It's easy to understand why so many held their breaths as he entered the restaurant.

He's handsome, there's no denying it. He carries himself in a way that makes you think his $40,000 Brioni suit just isn't quite good enough for the man wearing it.

His demeanor exudes the confidence of someone who's used to getting exactly what he wants.

And one night, while I was browsing the Japanese Art section of the MET, Aiden Carter decided what he wanted was me.

"You look lovely Everly."

"Thank you."

"Did you have a nice morning?"

"Yes, I..."

"Let's order shall we?" He cuts me off with a smile, motioning for the waiter to come over.

"I will have the Nova Scotia Lobster and the lady will have the Duck Foie Gras." He orders without even glancing at the menu.

"Very good sir."

"And a half bottle of the Domaine Dujac. 2009."

"Right away sir." The waiter fills our water glasses before hurrying off.

"How was your meeting?" I question as I take a sip of water.

"Went well."


"But we're going to go with our second option."

My eyes flick up, staring into Carter's as my heart starts to race. "The merger didn't go through?"

"Mr. Kimura would like to see a significant investment before he is willing to proceed." Carter straightens his tie.

"Well surely if it's money he wants..."

The Most Dangerous Game (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now