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My head feels somewhat heavy as I roll over, cursing the sunlight streaming into the room. I only have myself to blame, champayne always does this to me. I know better.

Sliding my hand under the sheets, I search for the warm body that should be lying next to mine.

Realizing I'm alone in a cold bed, I huff silently.

"Harry?" I call out, my voice still thick with sleep.

Slowly blinking my eyes, I rub them with my fingertips, hoping somehow that will help them adjust to the bright light.

When I take in my surroundings, I come to the quick conclusion I'm not where I thought I was. I'm not in my room. I'm not in Harry's room either..

The bathroom door abruptly opening makes me jump, the covers falling away from my shoulders.

"What did you say darling?" Carter raises an eyebrow at me questioningly as he emerges from the steamfilled room.

"I... uh.." I suck in a breath, my heart pounding in my chest. "I was... calling for you."

"Odd." He runs a towel over his wet hair as he studies me. "I thought you said.."

"Since when do you two use pet names?" Bridgette suddenly steps out of the bathroom behind Carter, clad only in a small white towel.

"Pet names?"

"Honey.. that's what you said right?" Bridge asks.

I nod as Carter pats Bridgette on the butt and steers her out of the room. The bedroom door is closed and locked behind her as I try to calm my breathing. Carter turns back to me, his expression unreadable.

I can't believe I called out Harry's name. I'm so f.ucking stupid!

"So..." Carter pauses, sitting next to me on the bed. "I feel like I need to make something clear. And I'm a bit dissapointed I'm having to do so."


"We've talked about this before Everly."

I don't answer, bringing my knees up to my chest to gain a little distance between us.

"I don't like pet names."

"Right." I nod, exhaling slowly.

"As I've told you before, I don't mind calling you one every now and then, but I detest being called something other then my name. It's Aiden or Carter, nothing else. Do you understand?"

"Yes. Of course."

"Good." Carter smiles lightly, "Now that that's settled..."

He reaches out for me, a cold hand being wrapped around my left wrist.

"Didn't Bridgette just take care of you?" I blurt out, pulling away from him without thinking.

His demeaner changes suddenly, his posture stiffening as his jaw clenches. "What did you just say to me?"

"Nothing." I shake my head, looking down at my hands. Trying to keep myself from saying yet another stupid thing today.

"Look at me Everly."

I glance up, a sharp sting burning the left side of my face the second my eyes meet his. My hand flies up, cupping my now hot cheek as my mouth drops open in shock. He's had Viktor hit me before, but he's never raised a hand to me himself. He'd promised me he never would.

"You.. hit me."

Narrowing his eyes at me, he stands up. "Don't ever make me do that again."

"Make you?" I balk.

The Most Dangerous Game (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now