Pluto x Y/n

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"Ah, thank you for travelling all this way!" the extremely tall, slightly intimidating, black haired butler said politely as he took my suitcase from me and held the door open. If I remember from the letter, his name is Sebastian. At the sight of the naked man-dog tugging me inside the brightly lit, ballroom-like hall, he frowned disapprovingly. "I am terribly sorry for the... attire of our hellhound. Pluto is a bit... naive and somewhat ignorant-"

I stopped listening at "hellhound". Oh. My gosh. That would explain a lot, AND I am SO FRIGGIN' EXCITED! I studied both music and a somewhat broad focus on "spiritual" or "unearthly" forces. Forces of Hell, Heaven, neutral force, etc. It's rare to ever really contact the force, and here I've been for the last half hour PHYSICALLY TOUCHING a friggin' HELLHOUND.

I am terrified and exuberant and confused all at once.

Is he dangerous? He certainly doesn't look it, I thought as the hellhound- Pluto, was it?- sat on the suitcase he'd previously been carrying and scratched at his parchment-white hair with his foot, squinting in obvious pleasure. Their moods are known to change rapidly for small, sometimes unidentifiable reasons though. Maybe I should stay away from him from now on...

"I assure you, miss, he isn't any threat," the butler said cheerfully, leading me across the gold floor to a long red couch where he sat me down. ..."Miss?" I scoffed, looking down at myself. No way do I look like a girl. "Um... sir, I'm male."

"Well of course you are."

...What??? Maybe I was so tired I'd heard him wrong. Pluto hopped happily along behind me and snuggled up to my thigh contentedly. I rubbed my fingers through his soft hair, earning me another squinty-eyed grin from him. "Now I understand that you consent to working long-term here," Sebastian began, taking his seat next to me and shooting the hellhound another look of disappointment. "There are some things first that I should explain about the mansion and its inhabitants. First, I have asked you in particular to be my master's teacher not only for your excellence in music, which is surpassed by none-" um... Really? News to me. "-but also because I read of your intensive study of forces not of this earth." I nodded, trying to pay attention and ignore my tired eyes tempting to slip shut. "This will be compatible with our mansion as well as useful to you. Here there are many of the extraterrestrial forces at work. You have met Pluto-" at his name the hellhound gave a small huff of delight- "and I am a demon as well."

My eyes were now refusing to close. Demons are tricky. Is this whole setup a trap? Immediately I looked around for escape routes. There's the door, but he'll be expecting that... The window, I could bust it through-

"Please don't worry, I am not the dreadful maledicus scum," he said, still polite but with an air of disgust. "I am a much higher demonic force, with dignity and honour unlike them. My master has made a contract with me, which is why I am here." A slight smirk crept on his pale face, and as creepy/scary as it looked, it was also pretty calming.

"I understand," I nodded, ignoring Pluto pawing at my side and whining pitifully. "I have no problem teaching here. In fact, now I'm rather excited, sir." Just my luck that at that moment a yawn almost erupted from me. Geez.

"Good." His smirk grew even wider. "Now, we can talk of payment and duties tomorrow, as you are quite tired and I must get my master to bed. Pluto will take your things to your room. He's never quite had such an attraction to anyone like this before."

...I'm assuming by attraction he just means the normal, friendship kind of attraction that would result in the connection of a hellhound and a human... Right?

But it hit me as I struggled to my feet how tired I truly was, and the thought of questioning Sebastian's word choice fled from my mind. I heaved my feet up the flight of stairs behind Pluto, clinging to the handrail and to Pluto's extended hand. He had my baggage in the one hand and used the other to drag me up. I didn't even have the strength to glance around at the many halls we traversed through to arrive at my room. I didn't even look at my own room, just as soon as the huge, fluffy comforter on the monstrous bed was in sight, I headed straight for it.

"Bath tomorrow," I muttered sleepily to myself, as if to set an internal alarm. "Change tomorrow, explore..." YAAAAAWN... "...later." Crawling exactly as I imagine a slug would into my new, fluffy cocoon, I peeked through the semi-darkness at Pluto eagerly watching me as he set my things down. A tired smile rose to my face. "Thanks, Pluto," I murmured, shutting my eyes, already falling into sleep mode.

Through my half-sleep I heard a small whine, then the rustle of the bedsheets behind me. Skin and warmth suddenly clung tightly to me, and I snuggled further into the strong, heated arms without question. A few hot wet licks on my cheek had me smiling as I finally drifted into darkness.

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