Baki x Male reader

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Baki and y/n were best friends since diapers. Over the years they both had gotten really close to each other..... maybe a little to close to be exact.They would sometimes go back and fourth flirting and teasing one another, sometimes even going as far as being touchy with each other in a romantic way.

Y/n has a secret crush on baki, and won't admit because he's to afraid that it'll ruin their little friendship that they have now. On the other hand the Baki also has a crush on y/n as well.

They both wanna confess their feelings to another but don't have the courage to actually say it.
So y/n decides to take the initiative and goes to baki's house and confess to him without thinking of the consequences of their friendship.

[Later on]

Baki gets a call from y/n saying that he needed to talk with him in person because it was very important.

💪Baki- hey y/n what you need bae .

Y/n's cheeks turn red from the compliment he has received.

👁👄👁Y/n - Hey baki, can I come over I really need to speak to you. Its like super important so I'll meet at your house right now .

💪Baki - Uh, s- sure cya later cutie.

👁👄👁 y/n- Cya bye.

He quickly hands up the phone .
Y/n gets dressed into something nice and comfortable to meet baki .

Since baki's house wasn't far away he walked all the way there.
He knocks on the the door and baki came down the stairs and opens the door shortly after .

💪Baki- hey you came pretty quick muffin , he winked after.

👁👄👁Y/n - your house wasn't far away so I walked here instead of driving.

💪Baki- Well anyways what did you wanna tell me or did you come all this way here just because you missed me , he smirked after that remark.

👁👄👁Y/n takes baki's hand which surprises Baki.
They both stayed there and stared at each other before one of them looked away.

👁👄👁Y/n- I know this might make our friendship parish but I don't care.

💪Baki- y/n what are you talking about ?

👁👄👁Y/n- what I'm trying to say is that I'm tired of being your best friend, I wanna be more than that.
I wanna hold hands and do romantic things with you everyday. I want to one day marry you and adopt a kid even . I've loved you since we started being friends. I hope you won't hate me and cut me off because of this stupid

💪Baki- I had no idea you felt that way. He pauses and takes y/n's hands in his .Honestly I loved you when we also became friends. I just never had the courage to confess since I thought it'd be weird since we're both guys but honestly I don't care about stuff like that.
The important thing is that I love you and I wanna spend my life with you from this point on.

💪Baki-So what do you say, wanna make me the luckiest man on earth and be my boyfriend.

Y/n jumps into his arms and they both lock lips and kiss passionately.

👁👄👁Y/n- yes I would love to be your boyfriend , he says while still in baki's arms.

[In the afternoon]

Baki and y/n both spend their time cuddling and sleeping their whole day away with each other.
At some point they did however end up doing the deed.
And Baki was the top of course.

Hey guys I really hoped you enjoyed this story .
There will be another chapter coming out soon. So follow me to stay tuned for when I post an update to a new chapter.

Also check out my other books and make sure to vote too . Byee 💚 💙 💚

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