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DISCLAIMER: I haven't watched the DSMP for a very long time now, all of this is based on L'manburg lore or whatever. This is mostly just a fun thing I am writing; it isn't meant to be very accurate. Basically, I'm taking the characters and relationships (btw relationships are not just romantic ones!) and putting them in a more modern world. 

WARNING: Ranboo and Tubbo are dating in this story. I DO NOT SHIP REAL-LIFE PEOPLE. The only reason they are together is to drive the story along and add some more plot details. They are the only people who are dating, and I will not be adding ships. This story is about family/friend dynamics, not romance! 

Note #1: This story is told from so many perspectives. I'm sorry if things get confusing for you, I'd hate for your reading experience to be lessened because of all the POVs. If you do not like multiple POVs, do not read further lol. If you do, though, you are in luck ;)
Also, I will most likely not update this for a while, if I ever even do. However, if enough people read this I'll probably add more to it. 

Note #2: Do not be intimidated by all the parts, they are all short and fast to read. I like to add multiple chapters to my stories to keep things moving. 

Note #3: This is a very complicated story, and there are many plots going on at once. The story is kinda like 3-4 stories mashed together lol. The whole point is to show how people who were once close could now be living very different lives. IDK, it's very complex, so I'm sorry if that's not your thing 

Enjoy reading :)

About Techno: 

I am devastated by Technolade's passing, and I'm sure you feel the same. I started writing this before he was even diagnosed with cancer (btw, fuck cancer), and I will not be removing his character. Technoblade was the person who influenced this story, and he is the sole reason I'm still writing. I really hope that I am not offending him or anyone else by keeping him in the story. 

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