Chapter 8: Self-Aware? Don't Care.

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Wilbur packed his things quickly. He was angry. Terribly angry. He was furious. Phil was just an asshole. To him and Sally. He was terrible. Horrible. Disgusting.

"Wilbur Gold Watson! Are you really going to run away because I am worried about your mental health?!" Philza yelled.

"It's Wilbur Soot to you!" Wilbur yelled as he stuffed his last shirt into his suitcase. He then closed it and pushed Phil with his shoulder as he walked away.

"Wilbur Soot! Please, I'm just worried. I know you hate me, but just listen."

"WHY SHOULD I?!" Wilbur screamed, turning back around.

"Because you're being an idiot! You're throwing your life away for some girl. As much as you hate me, your going to end up just like me! Settling down too soon! I mean, look at me, Wil. Do I look like I have anything good going for me?!"

"No! You look like a sad old man that should've gotten ran over by a bus by now!" Wilbur yelled. He then walked down the stairs. He opened the door and slammed it behind him. Sally was sitting in her car, waiting for Wilbur.

Wilbur opened the passenger seat and slammed the door shut.

"God, Wil. Don't break the car door-"

"Drive, damn it!" Wilbur yelled. Sally's eyes got wide, but she listen and drove out of the driveway.

Tommy stood in the hallway, seeing his father break down into tears. He just stood there, watching. He wanted to help. He really did. But he just stood and stared. His father was on his knees, his hands covering his face as he cried. Tommy walked one step forward but then took two more backward. He then went back into his room and closed the door softly. He could still his father, crying. He felt terrible. He also felt angry. Angry with Wil. He hated Wilbur now... how could he ever say those things to their own dad?

Tommy took out his phone and clicked on Tubbo's contact. He waited as his phone rang and rang, over and over again. After a little while, the ringing stopped, and Tommy could hear someone breathing on the other line.

"Hey Tommy, why'd you call me?" Tubbo questioned. Tommy sniffed and thought of what to say. He didn't say anything before Tubbo repeated his question.

"I... Tubbo I'm scared."

"Why? Did you have a nightmare?"

"I'm living one every damn day... and it scares me."

"Tom... what's wrong? Do you need me to come over or something?"

"T-Tubbo I'm scared. I don't want to end up like Wilbur... or Techno. I don't want to hate my dad..."

"Tommy, calm down, okay? I'm coming over."

"Please don't hang up..." Tommy whispered softly.

"I won't, just calm down," Tubbo said.

"Tubs... meet me at the park instead, yeah?" Tommy asked softly.

"Alright... it's a bit cold though, isn't it?"

"Yeah... bring a jacket," Tommy said.

"Okay..." Tubbo said. Tommy could hear him rustling through something, probably his closet. Tommy got up and opened his door. Phil was still sitting there, crying. Tommy quietly walked down the stairs and got a jacket out of the hall closet. He put it on and opened the front door. He then started walking to the nearby park—he and Tubbo spent a lot of time together there. That was until Tubbo become friends with someone he called Ranboo...

Tommy suddenly stopped walking. He couldn't move his legs. His mind was going 1,000 miles per minute. Techno, Wilbur, and Tubbo all left him... everyone he loves leaves him. Everyone...

"You still there Tommy?" Tubbo asked. Tommy hung up the phone as his eyes went wide. He then moved the phone down from his ear. He let his arm hang by his side as his phone slipped through his hands and landed on the faraway ground. It landed face down. The phone then buzzed, telling Tommy he had gotten a text. He didn't care. He didn't want to care. Tubbo wasn't his friend, he was Ranboo's. And Phil probably couldn't wait for the day that Tommy moved out.

A car honked at Tommy. He didn't care. He wished the car would've run him over. He didn't care anymore... he wanted to care though...

"Kid! Move outta the way!" A deep voice yelled. Tommy felt tears falling down from his eyes. Then he felt someone pushing him.

"Kid, you deaf or something?" The man was now in front of him. Tommy continued staring off into space. He moved a little ways back as the man got back into his car and drove off. Tommy sat on the sidewalk, still looking forward.

"Tom Simons." Tommy knew it was his dad. He didn't care. He didn't care about anything. There was nothing left to care about...

"Tom... what's wrong?" Phil asked.

"I just want someone to care about me..." Tommy muttered. Philza stood in the cold breeze as Tommy sat in it. They were both silent. There was nothing to say. Nothing...

Word Count: 836

I know this part is kinda... it's a bit cringy, I know. But I swear, it's important for the development of the story, later on, this chapter will make more sense I swear-

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