Chapter 4: You Said You'd Always Be There

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Techno sighed to himself, looking at his suitcase. It was black, and currently on his sheet-less bed. He had folded his last shirt and was about to put it in but something stopped him. He didn't want to move away, he loved his brothers and father, but he knew Phil had too much to deal with now that Tommy was almost a teen. He sniffed a little as he placed the shirt down. He looked at the clothes and was about to close the suitcase when his door burst open.

"DON'T GO!" Tommy screamed. The door crashed into the wall and the handle fell off. Tommy looked like he was crying. Actually, it was very obvious that he had been—and still was—sobbing.

"Tom Simons!" Techno then saw Philza speed-walk into the room and grab Tommy's shoulder.

"TECHNOBALDE DON'T GO PLEASE! YOU SAID YOU'D TEACH ME TO FIGHT WITH A SWORD! TECHNO!" Tommy screamed at the top of his lungs. Techno was wide-eyed as his younger brother sobbed.

"TOM SIMONS!" Philza yelled. Tommy become quieter and faced the man.

"This is Techno's choice, okay? You cannot make him feel guilty." Philza then led the boy out of the bare room. Techno gulped and then slowly closed his suitcase. He zipped it and put on his backpack full of food and potato seeds.

"I DON'T WANT HIM TO GO!" Techno could hear Tommy scream from downstairs. Techno felt bad, but he knew it was for the best. He picked up his suitcase and walked out of his room. He could see Philza and Tommy in Tommy and Wilbur's room. Since Techno was the oldest, he had gotten his own room, and Tommy and Wilbur shared one. Now that he was leaving though, Wilbur would be moving into his old room. Techno shook his head out of guilt and went downstairs. As he was about to open the front door, he saw Wilbur sitting on the kitchen floor.

"Wil..." Techno said, turning to his brother. The two boys had always been back and forth on the way they felt about each other. One minute they loved each other, the next Wilbur was crying out his heart because of something Techno had said.

"Go away. You're leaving, I don't wanna talk to you." Wilbur said. He tried his best to keep his voice steady, but Technoblade knew he had been crying—maybe even still was.

"I'll visit on your birthday," Techno said before opening the door and walking out. He closed it behind him and looked around for a minute. He felt odd. He didn't want to leave hi family, but he knew that it would be good for them. It was a weird feeling, not feeling wanted anymore. Not a good one...

Techno looked out the window of the train, watching clouds as they zoomed past quickly. He sometimes could make out birds in the sky, and they reminded him of Phil. His father was always so carefree, but also took such could care of his kids. Techno thought that Phil had too much to worry about, he's only 37 for god's sake. Maybe when he's dead, he'll become a bird and fly forever, just being free and not having any worries.

Techno then realized that the train had stopped, and it was now snowing outside. He also realized he felt oddly tired. He then figured out that he had fallen asleep. Weird how everyone always wakes up on the train when they get to their stop...

Techno got up and got his things. Soon enough, he was standing in the cold snow while the train blew a breeze on his back as it zoomed on. He looked at the clouds and couldn't make out any shapes. He then adjusted his backpack and started walking. He didn't know where, he just walked through the almost empty train station. He knew not many people would be coming to a place where it snows all year long. But it was the only place he knew he wouldn't get bothered. No way would his family ever visit him, they were 4 train rides away and they had their own things to worry about. Wilbur had school to worry about and Tommy would be going through puberty soon... Techno was glad he wasn't there to witness. Plus, Tommy would be starting Junior High, and Techno knew that those would be the worst years of his childhood. 

Word count: 741

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