Chapter 12: Bills and Phone Calls

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Dear Technoblade,

I'm so glad that you are alright. A part of me thought you might've been dead. Now I know that seemed outrageous, but I still worry about you. You were always the trouble maker, weren't you? Always arguing with Wil, waking up at 4 in the morning just to go out and do god knows what. But, that said, you were always and still are my favorite. You always made sure I got enough sleep and always helped out when you could. You are a part of the reason I'm not dead, really. Now, I know you probably felt pity for an old man like me, but I do appreciate how much you took care of Tom for me. He even still goes by Tommy, the nickname you came up with. He is doing alright for himself. In school and having okay grades—along with two very cool friends. And yes, he is still friends with Tubbo (whom you called Toby) and he's made another sort of friend named Ranboo. Though Tom seems a bit tense around him, he is practically, as you said, joined at the hip with Tubbo. The three have made a cute little friend group that I hope stays together for a while—hopefully until Tom's out of college.

As for Wilbur, he has decided not to go to college. He has moved away and is living with his girlfriend, Sally. The two are good together, but I'm sure they will not last. Sally is too naive and Wil is unforgiving at times. He honestly hasn't been doing too well. He has been struggling mentally but refuses help. I tried to get him a therapist, but he got angry at me. He thinks he is strong enough to handle all the peer pressure put on him on his own. By peer pressure, everyone at his high school had wanted him to be like you: a sports guy. But he isn't. He's into music and language, and sometimes geography. He is completely different from you, and most people don't like that. I wish I could've told him that it doesn't matter what other people think. Maybe that's why he loves Sally. Because she doesn't see what he could be, just what he is.

You mentioned that you hoped I was doing better, but I'm sad to say not much has changed. I have still been quite sad about Kristin, and I still can't get over her. She is always in my mind like she's telling me to not forget her. Sometimes I wish it would've been me who got cancer, me who would've died. I wish that you all could've been raised by her, not me. She would've been so much better to you all. Wilbur wouldn't be so sad and maybe you'd still live with us. Also, I know you moved away to make it easier for me, but it's just been so hard. Sometimes I wish I didn't wake up in the morning as if I had peacefully passed in my sleep. Sometimes I wish I could be erased from this world. Sometimes I wish I had never even been born.

—Philza Watson

After Phil signed his name, he re-read the letter before he folded it up and placed it into an envelope. He then wrote Techno's address on the front and laid it on the kitchen counter along with all the bills and ads. He then was about to walk back up to his room, when his phone rang loudly. He picked it up and then saw it was from Tommy's middle school. He pressed the green answer button and put the phone up to his ear.

"Hello?" Philza asked, hoping that Tommy hadn't done anything stupid. Philza could hear loud breathing and a lot of commotion in the background.

"Um, yes, is this Philza Watson?" A male's voice asked.

"Yeah? Is there a problem?" Phil asked, questioning the strange call. Phil then looked at the time displayed on the kitchen stove. It was 1:12 in the afternoon, meaning that Tom must've caused trouble during his lunch hour.

"Yes, sir. Er, your son was found in the boys' bathroom unconscious. We think he tried to d-drown himself." The man said, his voice shaking. Phil's eyes went wide, as the time on the stove blurred. Then, everything became blurry. He then realized that everything went blurry due to tears that were welling up in his eyes.

"Is he okay?" Phil asked urgently.

"Yes, sir, he is awake and in the nurse's office. We suggest that you pick him up." The male said. Phil let out a breath of relief, now knowing that his son was okay.

"I-I'll be there in at most 10 minutes," Philza said.

"Okay, we will keep a close eye on him, sir." The man said. Then Phil hung up the phone and quickly ran over to the hall closet. He quickly yanked out his shoes and put them on without untying them first, something he had always done, mostly because he refused to get his right size since he was 12.

After his shoes were on, he took off his bathrobe and thanked himself that he had normal clothes on underneath. He then grabbed an oversized jacket and ran out the door, still putting the jacket on. He ran over to his car and soon was driving through his neighborhood.

"Tom, your dad's here." A nurse lady said. She had grey hair and was small, just like most nurses. Tommy gulped as he got up, not bothering to look at Tubbo. Tubbo had been sitting in that chair since Tommy woke up, refusing to go to class until Tommy went home. Tommy didn't want to look at Tubbo though. He was still upset. Although their squabble seemed like it had been a million years ago. Tommy could barely even remember what he had said. All he remembered was Ranboo, peering into his stall as he was passing out. Ranboo must've been on a toilet or something. Tommy found it almost funny. What if he was some random dude taking a shit? But he didn't feel like laughing.

"Okay, you're all signed out. Have a safe trip home, Mr. Watson." The reception lady said to Philza. Phil nodded, then looked over to Tommy with sad eyes. Tommy couldn't bear that look, so he looked at the ground. Tom then felt a hand on his shoulder. He and his father walked out of the school silently. Tommy then got into the front seat of the car, and Phil did the same. But he didn't start the car. He just looked out the windshield. He then let out a sob as he shoved his face in his hands. Tommy looked at his father, and he himself felt like crying.

"God Tom! Why?! Why you too?!" Philza almost screamed. Tommy was shocked by the shout, and almost scared.

"God damnit..." Philza said, quiet this time, "God fucking damnit! Tom! I can't... WHY?!" Philza screamed again, looking right into Tommy's eyes. Tom didn't what to say. He couldn't say anything. He was speechless. 

Word Count: 1,190

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