Chapter 5: A Night Out

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Wilbur sat, staring at the ceiling. He couldn't sleep. His mind kept going back to Techno. About how he would understand. Techno would help him get away with it. Or at least help him tell Phil about it.

Wilbur's phone rang loudly. It was Sally. He was slightly relieved. He had been dating this girl named Sally for about 4 months. She was so... different. She didn't care about the way he looked. She was just sweet. And funny. And just adorable.

"Hey, Sal," Wilbur said, sighing while he spoke.

"Hey Wil... sorry, did I wake you?" Sally asked. Sally was from America, and her accent was so pretty—to Wilbur anyway. She had moved to England a couple years ago, after he parent split up. Wilbur was the first person to become friends with her at their school, and her first-ever boyfriend.

"No, I was already wide awake," Wilbur said with a laugh, to which Sally responded with a small chuckle.

"Same... hey, wanna come over? My mom is out with her girlfriend, and like... I'm so lonely." Sally said. Wilbur wanted to say no, but he didn't. He hadn't ever said no once to Sally. He usually sneaked out on the weekends to go to Sally's house, but it was Tuesday... not that it would matter. He didn't have school anymore... and wouldn't... never again would someone make fun of him...

"Yeah sure, be over in a few," Wil said. He got up slowly and avoided stepping on the creaking spot on his floor. He put on his shoes and opened his window slowly. He got through, though it was hard due to his hight, but he managed. After he got out, he slid down the roof and then climbed down carefully. He then started running away from the house in the dark.

It was spring which meant rain—which meant that the road was wet and muddy. The upside, however, was the smell. Wilbur had always loved the smell of rain—more than he hated anteaters... that didn't make much sense. He just liked the smell of nature all mixing together into one big, amazing smell. It almost meant that it was humid, which meant there wouldn't be wind, which meant he didn't need to wear jackets like he did in the winter.

As Wilbur ran through his neighbor hood, he received a text, which confused him. He stopped running and got his phone out of his pocket. He looked at it and saw it was from his older brother, Technoblade. He hadn't seen or heard from Techno since his 16th birthday, which had been a year ago.

Hey, Wil. Tell Phil that I need him. by tomorrow.

ik hou van jou

The last text was in Dutch. Wilbur had told Techno on his birthday he had been studying Dutch. Techno had written 'I love you'.

waarom zou ik

je hebt al een jaar geen woord tegen me gezegd


Wilbur texted. He had said 'Why should I? You haven't said a word to me in years'. He then turned off his phone completely and continued running to Sally's house, a few tears keeping him company.

Wilbur knocked on Sally's door three times. Seemed like everyone did that. He wasn't too special, and he knew it. He was the middle child. The friend of your best friend. The quiet, smart kid you don't care about. He wanted to be someone else, though. He wanted to be the music guy. The anything guy. He wanted to be someone...

"Hey, Wilby!" Sally said, smiling brightly. Sally's orange curls flopped around, defying gravity as she hugged her boyfriend. Wilbur hugged her back and smiled slightly. He let go quickly and looked at the redhead.

"Come on in!" Sally said, stepping to the side so he could walk in. He did just as she said, and walked into the house. He kicked off his shoes and Sally lead him up the stairs into her bedroom. She closed the door behind her and turned to the boy.

"So, what do you want to do?" Sally asked.

"I don't know... talk about the future or some shit." Wilbur said, smiling. Sally laughed and agreed. She sat on her blue bed and Wilbur did the same.

"Okay... the future... hm. Oh! Do you wanna have kids?"

"Yeah. I want to adopt a boy and name him Fundy."

"No, I want a girl named Isabella!" Sally protested

"Fine, a girl named Fundy. But I only want adoption. I don't want my dads genes to pass on to a poor kid."

"Yeah, I guess. Why do you hate your dad so much again, Wil?"

"Well... he just let my brother go."

"Go? Where?"

"I have no fucking clue. Me and brother loved each other... most of the time. But I hate him now. I mean he just left us, and dad didn't shit about it! I mean-" Wilbur stopped ranting and breathed out slowly.

"I just miss the old Technoblade..."

"Technoblade?! Wait, that's his name??"

"Yeah... he was named after my grandpa. People used to bully him, but he was good at ignoring people. Really good..."

"Well, tell him that I think his name's pretty cool. And fuck those bullies!"

"Yeah... sure."

Word Count: 877 

By the way, the Dutch part is probably wrong, I used google translate, so don't be made if you speak Dutch-

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