Blush- Fights

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Prompt: Could you do blink/mush where blink got into a fight with another newsie and mush has to try to play the mediator and show blink that he is wrong without having blink get mad? (Also please not an argument over something petty) And maybe they are friends but the line is blurred between platonic and romantic, because lets face it they never leave each others sides in the movie. Movie-verse, maybe pre-stike? Idk its up to you just somewhere around the canon time period. Also happy ending please

So, we're going to say that Jack is about two years older than Mush, who's almost a year older than Blink, who's a year older than Race. Just go with it. 

Also, I liked this prompt so much that I wrote two different one shots for it, but they sorta fit together, so they're now two parts of the same story. One set before the strike and the other after. 

Here we go, first part. Set before the strike, a few weeks after Mush became a Newsie.

Mush was having a nice, calm conversation with Crutchie when he heard it. 


He glanced toward the stairs and told Crutchie to stay put, before sprinting upstairs as fast as he could. 

"NO I AIN'T, YOU ARE, YOU DUMB OLD PIRATE-APE!" That was Race's voice for sure. Mush had only been there for a couple weeks, but he could pick Race's voice out of a crowd

Mush burst into the bunk room to find Race and Kid Blink, up in each other's faces and yelling. 


He saw what was about to happen a moment before it did and he leapt forward to separate them, taking a punch to the gut and a blow to the head. 

"YOU TAKE THAT BACK!" Race bellowed over Mush's head, fighting to get at Blink. 

There was a flurry of footsteps and Jack burst into the room, grabbing Race and yanking him away from the one-eyed boy. 

"NO!" Blink yelled back, fighting against Mush's restraining arms. 

Mush glanced across the room to where Jack was doing his best to hold back Race. 


Jack just dragged him out of the room, giving Mush a look that said 'calm him down', on his way out.

"Gerrof me-"

Mush slapped a hand over Blink's mouth to shut him up. "No. You listen ta me. I don't know what da hell you and Race was arguin' about-"

Blink started trying to speak again, struggling against Mush's arms. 

"NO." Mush repeated. "I'm talkin'. I don't know what you Race was arguin' about and I don't care.  Because whatever it is, it ain't an excuse for you ta hurt him, a'right?"

The one-eyed boy had finally stopped struggling, and it seemed like he was actually listening to what Mush was saying. 

"I ain't been 'ere long." Mush continued. "But I know you two is practically brudders, and I don't think you really meant all those things you called him." 

Blink shook his head shamefully. 

"So are ya ready to apologize?"

He nodded. 

"Good." Mush tentatively released Blink. 

The one-eyed boy didn't try to run, or punch him, so Mush opened the window and led them up to the roof, where he was sure Jack brought Race. 

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