Chapter 11 - Zhan does research

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After work, when we got back to my apartment, I asked Zhan if he knew if he was gay. Actually, I do not ask such a thing just like that. But after he made several hints during work that he likes me very much and finds me handsome and likes to look at me and want to be with me, I just wanted to know.

However, Zhan could not remember his sexual orientation. Instead, he said it felt that way to him. Since he is very attracted to me and he would like to touch me all the time. So either he's horny for me, or he just wants to touch a person again.

But we didn't get to discuss the topic further because Youn came home and he wasn't alone. For the first time I met his boyfriend Wooseok. And he had three suitcases with him, which Youn immediately took to his room and told his boyfriend to make himself comfortable on the sofa.

I sat down and Zhan also, if he was not a ghost, he would have almost sat on my lap. Is it strange that I wished I could have felt his weight on my lap and touch him? Anyway, we were all sitting in the living room and this Wooseok was looking shyly from one corner to the next because he didn't know where to look.

Youn then took over to introduce him. He is the same age as we are and works as a sales manager in a car dealership of a very famous and expensive car manufacturer. Also, like Youn, he is originally from Korea. The two met half a year ago here in a small Korean store. They immediately fell in love with each other and started dating the same evening. The rest is history.

But maybe I didn't catch the rest because Zhan kept blowing in my ear and kept trying to touch my face and lips and not making it and then complaining about it. I just know I had to grin the whole time and certainly seemed a little crazy to Youn and his boyfriend.

After an hour, I retreated back to my room with Zhan. We thought about where to start looking for his body and when we were going to go to the mansion again. Whereby I am almost sure that we will not find an answer in the mansion. If there had been anything, we would have noticed it when we looked at the videos and pictures again.

But our reflections were interrupted when Youn came to my room and asked me if I wanted to have dinner with him and Wooseok. I declined. I wasn't hungry and besides, there were more important things for me to do. But Youn quickly made it clear that it wasn't really a question of whether I wanted to join him for dinner, but rather a hidden request to get a little more involved with Wooseok.

Of course I got mad. I said, "Listen, I already told you this morning that I have to work. I'm not hungry, I don't have time, and I don't feel like eating with you two right now."

"It won't even take half an hour. And everybody has to eat. So come with me to the kitchen." Replied Youn stubbornly.

"I said no and I'm sticking to that. I don't have time to eat now. And now that your boyfriend lives here, I'm sure we'll have more time to get to know each other. But just not tonight. I have to go out and do something anyway."

"And when will you be back?"

"Why do you care? You didn't care about that before."

"I just wanted to know. Maybe we'll have time later then..."

"Youn listen. I'm not interested in getting closer to your boyfriend right now. Right now I have important things to do and I need to focus all my attention on that. Please don't go crazy now just because your boyfriend lives here. We were never like that and always did what we wanted. We never controlled or questioned each other. And I'd like to leave it at that, please."

"But we've always been best friends and talked about everything and told each other everything. You wanted to get to know him. And now that you have the chance, you don't want to."

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