Chapter 22 - A Mining Mine

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A/N: It is gray, wet and very stormy outside. The weather makes you very sleepy and your mind tired. I hope you won't fall asleep on this chapter if my tiredness affected it. Yawn.😴😴😴

I'm beginning to think that some higher authority objects to Zhan and I having sex before marriage. Otherwise I can't explain why always something happens when we are about to sleep with each other. It happened again last night.

In the beginning, Zhan was a ghost and we couldn't even touch each other. Then when I could touch him, he was in a coma for weeks and even months. Then when he woke up, he could hardly move and even had pain when he just tried to hold his head straight. With rehab, he gradually got better. But it was not enough for sex. For me, all that was always fine.

But when Zhan was doing well and could even go back to work 15 hours a week, we had already tried it, yes. But from then on, things always happened and always when we wanted to do it. The telephone rang. The doorbell rang at night. Neighbors were arguing so loudly that we had the feeling they were standing in our apartment. We heard Youn and Wooseok making love. A soccer ball flew against our window because drunk people were playing soccer outside in the street in the middle of the night. The heater rushed off extremely loudly as if it was being vented. Wooseok screamed loudly when he sprained his ankle going to the bathroom because he slipped. All these things and more.

And then last night, Zhan and I were lying in bed, kissing each other, caressing each other, and suddenly the fire alarm went off in the hotel! In our pyjamas and bathrobes, we and all the other guests had to leave the hotel and were standing in the middle of the street in front of it. Police and fire department were on the scene and only after two hours we were allowed back inside. A false alarm!

I had almost expected that something would happen again. I was actually just waiting for it when we started to get closer to each other. And then it happened and Zhan was ranting in anger because it's just unbelievable and impossible to believe that we keep getting interrupted!

Zhan even seems to have a much bigger problem with it than I do. Because even after we were allowed to go back into the hotel, he was still angry. He calmed down only when I held him in my arms, gave him a kiss and told him that I love him and that we still have time for this. He wasn't at all convinced that we still had time, but he calmed down and that was important for the time being.

After the now, let's just call it a less beautiful night, we went to eat at a restaurant and I told Zhan about another location near here. It is a mansion. Similar to the one where Zhan and I met. Many of the Urban Explorers who had been there raved about this house. But wouldn't say exactly why.

I didn't find out much in my research about this location. Only that it had something to do with 18 escaped prisoners who hid there for months before the owners of the mansion found them by accident. They had died of thirst, it was assumed. Which was odd, because there was a water pump in the house that led into a full fountain.

Anyway, Zhan was all excited to go to this location. So we headed there an hour after lunch. Unfortunately, the Urban Explorers who have been there so far have only taken pictures of the outside of the house. They were silent about the inside.

It took us about 2 hours to get to this mansion. Not much time left before it gets dark again. But luckily we are well prepared for an emergency. We brought flashlights, batteries, water and some granola bars.

To get into the location, we had to find an entrance to the mansion. There is a high wall around the house. And passersby are constantly walking by the wall. We had to wait for an opportune moment to climb the wall. We used a ledge in the wall for this purpose.

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