Chapter 12 - The Nanu Building

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A/N: The word Nanu is a way of expressing one's amazement in Germany. Kind of like "Hä?" or "What the hell?"

Today, Zhan and I set out together to tackle the research for the first build. It's not always easy to find the right sources, especially if they are from abroad and you don't know the language. Or the information is classified as secret for the most part. This was the case with our first construction project.

There, the information we found was all written in Russian and we had to rely on a translator. But because this was a secret project, it was hard to find out the real use for it. It took us almost 7 hours to find at least a few credible rumors.

That morning, Zhan and I got up early and went to my work. Zhan was really excited the whole time and was looking forward to spending the whole day with me and researching. It was kind of really cute how excited he was.

And I found that I was enjoying teasing Zhan. At first I claimed that I had changed my mind and that I didn't want to take him to work after all. He then looked at me with a sad but crazy cute puppy eyes and asked me if he hadn't been sweet when we were at my work yesterday. I could hardly contain myself, it was so sweet.

Then on the way to work I told him he could only watch me work though. Which is probably normal. Because if they saw words being typed into a search bar without the keys on my keyboard moving and the information searching itself, they'd probably faint and let an exorcist come.

Well anyway, Zhan was upset when I told him he could only watch. He then asked me if he could at least use my computer when no one else was in the office. I pretended to seriously think about it and rather decide against it. Then he pushed his lower lip forward and looked at me with a mixture of sadness and stubbornness. It was so deliciously sweet. When I then told him that he could of course use my computer when no one was around, he happily said that he could kiss me for joy. Just stupid that this does not work.

Zhan and I then sat most of the time with my laptop outside and researched together. He really had a lot of fun with it and even found some information that I probably wouldn't have found without him. Thanks to him, I at least had something to present to my supervisor.

In 1899, Russian men built a structure that was called the "Nanu Building" by the local residents. Because to them it seemed as if the structure had been built overnight and many residents of the village, upon seeing the castle tower-like building, said, "Nanu, where did that come from all of a sudden?"

And because it happened so often that the word Nanu was mentioned, and no one could read the Russian writing anyway, the villagers then simply called it the Nanu building. But it was not built overnight, but within two months. The workers had worked day and night at that time and that is why the building was finished so quickly.

In an old document it was written that the workers worked mainly at night and that was when they made the fastest progress. Why, however, could not be determined from the document. But it was amazing that they adopted the name "Nanu Building" in their writings at that time.

For a very long time the true purpose of the building remained completely unknown. Except for the Russian workers and employees, no one else was ever allowed to enter the building. Nor did anyone ever see the building being occupied at that time. No one ever saw furniture or other items arrive there.

And although the building was particularly tall and seemingly built to last forever, it was only used for 5 years before it was actually abandoned overnight. In the evening, the villagers saw Russian employees going in and out of the building, and in the morning, not only the sign on the door was gone, but so was everything else, including the employees.

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