[ fifteen ]

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[ fifteen | harry ]
[ late march ]

Estella was more then happy sprawled across Paul's long body, she sat cross legged on his stomach, her face facing him as she drew an up close and personal sketch of his face. He hadn't been too happy to be drawn but as soon as she had looked at him with those puppy blue eyes, he caved.

They had spent the past week at school which Paul knew was stressing Estella out since her teachers where pressuring her into graduating a year early with his grade which meant she had to work even harder then before.

But she was managing, even with Paul's mothering worry; he was always making sure she ate all 3 meals in a day, that she got enough sleep and always made sure she washed her face before bed because he knew how upset it made her to wake up with an angry zit on her face.

"How much long-."

"Shh!" She shushed him quickly. "Don't move your face, I need to concentrate." She insisted.

"I like when your bossy." He hummed, enjoying how her cheeks turned red.

"No moving." She muttered, avoiding his flirty eyes and looked down at her sketchbook.

"Yes, ma'am."

Paul knew how to make her all flustered, he constantly did it on purpose, he loved seeing her get all hot and bothered because it made him get all hot and bothered. She did this thing when she felt like that when she'd bat her eyelashes at him and lick her lips a little which never failed to make his stomach flip.

"How much longer, baby?" He asked after another silent few minutes passed.

"Almost done, sweetness." She replied teasingly.

Estella knew Paul only pretended to dislike the cute pet name she had given him, but given the way his lips quirked up in a teeny tiny smile made her heart soar and she beamed at him, his large hands giving her hips a small squeeze.

"Now?" He asked again after another minute of silence.

"Nope." She replied simply.

"C'mon, baby, I wanna cuddle." He whined and she grinned his favourite smile, all dimples and braces on show for him.

"Your so freaking cute, Paul Lahote, and I just need to-." She was cut off rather suddenly.

Her comfortable body was yanked to Paul's in what she assumed was a teasing and joking manner until she felt his tensed muscles locking around her in an over protective manner and his body started to subtly shake like it did when he got mad.

A small grown left Paul's lips just as they both heard wolves howling and he almost shifted them and there until he felt the coolness of Estella's necklace brushing against the hot skin of his bicep and he remembered that he was holding the most precious and important person on planet Earth in his arms.

His body started to calm down, head dropping into the crook of her neck as he breathed hard against her soft skin.

"Paul, what's wrong? Has something happened?" She hurriedly asked, hands holding him tight to her.

[1] constellation | p.lahoteWhere stories live. Discover now