[ four ]

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[ four | artist ]

Estella wasn't a fan of the rare hot weather that would hit La Push, because when it was hot, it was scolding hot. Meaning that her bedroom was too hot to be sat in, even with all the windows thrown open and her fan turned on at full blast, while wearing only a pair of cotton shorts and a tank top, she was still sweating.

So, that's why she had collected a pale yellow towel, her handheld fan, her sketch book and colours, and went to the beach closest to her home. The sand was soft but still had it's fair share of stones and shell's, some of which she had already placed in a small baggie that had many other shell's inside from previous beach trips.

The bright sun beated down onto her sun creamed covered shoulders, blasting down onto her sun kissed skin as she sat cross legged on her towel, sketching in her sketchbook with a sharpened pencil, occasionally sipping from her tall bottle of icy pink lemonade, or scooping some fruit into her mouth.

Sadly, her dad hadn't been able to get the day off, leaving Estella to sit alone on the quiet beach. Most people went to the other beach in La Push that was better for surfing and whale watching, that's one of the main reasons why Estella prefers the beach closest to her home.

The time had rolled to half twelve and Estella had taken to stop sketching and swapped a pencil for a paintbrush and had opened her paints. She dipped her paintbrush in water that was floating in the small cup of water that she had dug into the smooth, golden sand.

A shadow casted over her figure as she was finishing her painting and looked up, paintbrush in her right hand while her left hand came to shade her eyes from the bright, golden sun that was straining against her big blue eyes.

Paul stood with a smile spread across his lips, his chest was bare revealing his toned and muscled upper body. He only wore a pair of denim shorts that where cut off just above his knees and she tried not to make her staring obvious, though her cheeks did go a vibrant red.

His chocolate brown eyes stared down at her and he motioned to the empty space of her pale yellow towel besides her sitting figure, asking to sit and Estella nodded at his question which made him smile then sit besides her, running a hand through his short dark hair.

"Your insanely good at art." Paul gushed suddenly at the sight of her painting and she gently handed him her sketch book, a smile on her face while a blush coated her cheeks.

Blue, purple, navy and grey mulded together to create the sky with white dots to create stars in the night sky. A dark tree line covered the bottom of the page and created a difference between the bright upper part or the page compared to the dark lower area of the page.

A look of pure awe swirled onto Paul's handsome face, his dark eyes fluttered up to look at Estella and he gave her a smile that left her lips growing and her cheeks becoming a deep pink colour

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A look of pure awe swirled onto Paul's handsome face, his dark eyes fluttered up to look at Estella and he gave her a smile that left her lips growing and her cheeks becoming a deep pink colour.

The duo had spent the week spending time together at school then Paul would drive her to her house where they would complete homework together, even if they had finished their Spanish project and had gotten the highest grade in the entire class which left both of them happy.

"Thank you, it's one of my passions." Estella informed him. "My dad has albums and albums full of every piece of work that I've done, literally every piece." She breathed with a joking tone in her voice.

"I would do the same, you have a talent." Paul reached to wrap an arm around her slender shoulders, rubbing his thumb against her smooth skin, sending tingles throughout her body.

"Thanks." She murmured.

Paul didn't move his arm as he handed the sketch book back to her, her small hands placing it besides her bag. Estella had unknowingly leaned into Paul, curling into his side which was scolding hot, not that she minded.

With a surge of confidence, Estella stood to her short height and grasped Paul's hands, trying to pull him up with much difficulty making him chuckle and stand with a grin on his face. Estella didn't even reach his broad shoulders, she always appeared small to Paul but he loved her small height.

"Lets go in the water." She kept hold of his right hand and dragged him towards the water.

"It'll be freezing, Estella." Paul reminded her with a smile on his face when she rolled her eyes.

"I'm sure it will be, why...scared of a little cold?" She teased as she waded into the cold water, shivers shooting up her spine but she continued to grin.

"Shouldn't I be asking the little icicle that?" Paul joked and wrapped a warm arm around her back but she pulled away and skimmed her hands over the water that splashed against his chest.

A shiver shot through Paul for a second before he gasped dramatically at Estella who had been giggling into her palm, he splashed her body and water washed over the front of her figure. She shivered then gasped and launched herself at Paul, sending them both straight in the cold water.

Water consumed them as they fell in, Paul instinctively wrapped an arm around Estella who fell against his front with her small hands gently grasped his broad shoulders. The cold what floated around them and when they came up from the water, shivers covered Estella's body while Paul was still as warm as usual.

His muscled arms wrapped around her and the shivering stopped racking her body. With a blush coating her cheeks, she cuddled into his chest and slowly wrapped her arms around his toned torso, pressing her fac into his neck. Her lips warmed from where they where pressed against his chest.

"Lets get you warmed up, my little artist."

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