[ nine ]

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[ nine | christmas time ]


Estella had awoken before her dad for one day in the entire day and that was on Christmas day. Like every year, Estella always awoke at eight o'clock on the dot, pulled on a her traditional Christmas Onsie then ran into her dad's bedroom and leapt onto him with a childish grin on her face.

School had finished on Friday and it was now Monday morning, the landscape of La Push and Forks was still coated in thick sheets of pure white snow, leaving the air freezing and the people to wrap up in thick clothing and big winter coats, along with winter boots, more children in La Push then Forks, who loved to play in the snow.

Jonah had awoken to the ungraceful fall of his little daughter jumping onto him, her crown of thick dark locks falling across her shoulders, back and along his chest until she propped her elbows onto his chest, grinning down at him. She appeared excited with a childlike look on her adorable features, eyes wide like a baby doe.

"Dad! Wake up, it's Christmas Day!" She gushed, pulling on his hands to try get him out of bed.

"Stell...I'm tired, can we please sleep in for once on Christmas?" Jonah asked sleeping and Estella scoffed.

"Are you hearing yourself?! It's Christmas, put your Onsie and we need to open presents downstairs." Estella leaped off the bed in excitment. "Hurry up!" She exclaimed with a grin before leaving the room.

With a bounce in her step, Estella hurried down the stairs and headed for the kitchen where she made hot chocolate, sticking a candy cane in each mug, topping them with whipped cream and small marshmallow's sprinkled on the white cream. In the morning, the father and daughter would drink hot chocolate in the morning then have bacon and scrambled eggs after opening presents.

When Jonah descended downstairs, Estella handed him his mug then dragged him into the living room where the tall, gorgeous Christmas tree sat with presents collected underneath. They sat down by the tree, having flicked the TV on, morning cartoons playing which put the pair in a childlike mood.

Opening presents, Estella was thankful for all of them and adored every gift she got. Her favourite of them all was the gorgeous bracelet that her dad had gifted her, it had a small wooden wolf on a silver chain, along with a star that held a diamond within the shape, it was beautiful and looked amazing wrapped around her tiny wrist.

"I love you, papa." She told him whilst hugging him, breathing in his familiar, comforting scent.

"I love you too, mija." Jonah said whilst rubbing her small back with his large hand.

So after eating breakfast and finishing their drinks, the duo split to get ready for Christmas dinner at Harry and Sue's house, to spend the day with them, Leah and Seth. Estella loved Christmas because she got to spend a full day with her family and enjoy am amazing meal cooked by her aunt.

Estella had showered the night before and braided her hair so it would be lovely and curly, her make up was done simply with her thick eyelashes coated with black mascara and her lips painted a soft mix of nude and peach. She wore a pair of light blue skinny jeans that where high wasted along with a Christmas sweater that was huge on her tiny frame.

The duo arrived at the Clearwater residence and Estella rushed forwards and into the home, escaping the freezing air, Jonah right behind her. Hurrying into the home, Estella who hugged by her cousin, Seth Clearwater. They both wished each other a 'Merry Christmas' they pulled away, letting Estella hang her coat up and slip her boots off by the door.

"I like your sweater-let's go watch some TV!" Seth dragged her to the living room where Leah sat, playing a game on her phone, though she appeared uninterested.

"Hi Leah." Estella greeted with a smile on her plump lips as she and Seth sat on the floor near the couch.

"Hey, Stella." Leah greeted quietly, barley casting a glance to her younger maternal cousin.

While waiting for dinner, Seth and Estella watched cartoons like they did every Christmas Day, Leah had returned to her bedroom out of boredom. After the girl and Sam had broken up, Leah had been more on the meaner side, not that Estella blamed her, she didn't blame Sam after discovering that he couldn't help that he fell in love with Emily because of the imprint bond.

"Kids! Dinner's ready!" Sue called making everyone hurry to the kitchen table.

"Oh this is what I look forwards to most in the year." Seth gushed while reaching for his glass of lemonade that sat on the table.

"I second that." Jonah spoke up as he sat on the other side of Estella, sending her a grin. "Looks amazing, Sue, as always." He complimented his half-sister.

As the family ate dinner, they conversed about the most random of things. Jonah and Harry teased Estella about her clear crush on Paul which left her cheeks a dark pink colour, Seth laughed at her embarrassment while Sue chuckled, Leah looked uncomfortable talking about Estella's love life when her's had ended so badly.

"Don't listen to them, Stella." Sue told her niece with a wink that made the sixteen year old smile.

"I never do, Aunt Sue." Estella giggled, tucking a curl behind her ear, eating the last piece of Turkey on her plate. "Speaking of Paul, he's picking me up later so we can hang out." She told her dad, careful not to mention that she and Paul where going to Sam and Emily's home.

"That's fine, mija, is he dropping you off at home after?" Jonah asked, setting his cutlery down onto his plate.

"Yeah, I'll be home before half ten." She nodded at him.

"Just enjoy yourself, Stella." Jonah sent her a grin that she smiled at and fiddled with the sleeve of her sweater.

"Not too much fun though, right, Stellie?" Seth teased,

Estella felt like she had never blushed so much in her life.

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