[ eighteen ]

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[ eighteen | return of the leach lover ]
[ late may ]

Paul liked to just watch Estella, he loved to just watch her do anything; from reading, to making them both a cup of coffee and especially when she was either cooking or baking. Like she was at the moment in the Uley household.

Her and Emily stood in the kitchen wearing aprons and their dark hair pulled out of their faces along with Seth who was like an eager puppy as he helped them bake an assortment of different kinds of muffins, well, he claimed he was helping but he seemed to just be eating icing and making a huge mess.

The rest of the guys and Leah sat around the dining table in the kitchen, talking loud with some random song playing from the radio on the counter. Paul couldn't help but watch his imprint flutter around, swatting at Seth's hands while still trying to help Emily bake the blueberry muffins. She looked happy, and that made him happy.

"Your man is staring." Emily whispered to Estella.

"I know." Estella hummed with a small blush spreading across her cheeks.

Emily snorted, pouring the batter for the muffins into each case. Estella turned to the sink, bumping her hip against Seth's to get her cousin out of the way, then started washing her hands. Unknown to her,Paul had silently climbed to his feet and was making his way toward her, his large hands grasping either side of her small waist.

She jumped slightly, her back pressing against his chest and he chuckled, wrapping his arms fully around her waist and leant his chin on her shoulder, kissing her cheek and she smiled bright. Her head tilted back to look at him and he kissed her pouty lips which made Seth make a noise of disgust.

"That's so disgusting, please keep it PG." He complained and Estella giggled, watching her cousin walk to the table and sit down.

"I love you." Paul whispered in her ear.

"Love you too, sweetness." She hummed in response, drying her hands on her apron. "Hey, where's Jake?" She asked when noticing the boys absence.

"Picking up leach lover, I think their coming here." Paul replied, brushing hair from her eyes.

"Cool." She replied, leaning against his chest.

"Watcha' making?" Paul asked quietly in her ear as he wrapped his hands around her hips.

"Blueberry muffins, they're gonna be soo yummy." She gushed happily and beamed up at him.

"I bet they will be, baby." Paul gentle squeezed her hips and kissed her temple.

Suddenly all the shapeshifters looked up, heads moving towards the front door of the Uley house, before jumping up with teasing grins stretched on their faces. Estella looked from the boys with a confused expression then up at Paul who promptly pecked her lips and hurried out with the boys.

"Jake and Bella just pulled up." Sam explained.

"Lovely." Leah muttered bitterly, she didn't like Bella at all.

Estella walked outside to find the boys teasing Jake about his crush on Bella which made her grin and flutter to Paul's side, sliding under his arm that naturally wrapped around her and held her close to his body.

"Hi, Bella." She greeted warmly with a smile to match.

"Hey, Estella." The brunette replied in a slightly awkward tone but still a kind one.

Just then, behind Estella and the boys, did Leah walk out of the Uley house with the same angry look she wore on her face almost permanently now, which Estella and everyone else understood why, she had a right to be angry at the world right now, she had lost her fiancé to her cousin, her dad was dead and she was now a shape shifter.

"Bella, this is Leah Clearwater, Harry's daughter." Jake introduced the pair to one another.

"Hey, I'm really sorry about your father." Bella said in an apologetic tone that held a hint of guilt.

"If you're here to torture Jacob some more, feel free to leave." Leah ignored the girls sympathetic tone and abruptly turned to leave.

"Awkward." Paul whispered to his imprint.

"Be nice." She softly scolded and he chuckled, sliding his hand into the back pocket of her jeans.

Emily and Sam walked out of the house and towards the group of teenagers stood on their front lawn, the sight of Leah's back as she stormed off and a split second later she was out of their sight.

"Bella, hi." Emily greeted warmly and hugged the brunette.

"Hey." Bella replied and hugged Emily back.

"I was wondering when we'd see your face around here again." Emily said as they pulled away from one another.

"Yeah, same here." Bella said and pushed her hair back from her face.

"Sam, we're good?" Jake asked as he looked to his alpha.

"We're good, she won't be getting through our line anytime soon." Sam said in a firm tone.

At the mere mention of Victoria, Paul went stiff, his muscles growing tense and Estella felt him tighten his grip around her which she responded to by lifting a hand to caress his cheek which made his muscles relax. He leant into her and smiled down at her with soft dark brown eyes.

Bella watched the subtle interaction.

It was a love similar to how she felt with Edward, but with them, it was like invading in on a personal and private moment that no one but them should witness. The way Paul physically melted against Estella's gentle touch seemed almost unnatural but not irrational.

"We're gonna head to my place, we'll see you later." Jake said to them all.

"See you guys later." They all bid their individual goodbyes.

Estella waved at the pair before looping her arms around Paul's torso, he gently swayed her and ducked his head down to kiss her plump lips which made Seth make a noise of disgust before he was pushed away from the couple and the pack left them alone.

"Do you want to do something fun today?" He asked softly, pepper in soft kisses along her face.

"Like what?" She replied happily.

"We could... go for a picnic, or walk on the beach, anything you want, baby." Paul hummed and slipped both his hands into her back pockets.

A dark red blush spread over her cheeks at the contact of his large hands on her butt, she wasn't uncomfortable with it, it was something new that he had started doing once making sure she was okay with it. It just made her stomach all fluttery and her face burned like someone held a fire up to her rosy cheeks.

"Picnic on the beach?" She suggested.

"Yes! Let's go get some food, Stell." He gushed and gently pulled her towards the house.

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