[ three ]

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[ three | killer project ]

Estella had spent the day feeling excited for after school, not for the usual reason which was that she could go home and eat snacks, but because she was spending time with Paul. Butterflies hadn't left her stomach since they had started to talk in their shared Spanish class.

During lunch, she hadn't seen Paul but had taken to sit in the library to eat her tub of fruit and finish her math homework with ease. Her heart was beating erratically but had calmed down as she focused on her school work, letting her pencil dance across the paper as she answered the questions.

Sat in her last lesson of the day, her Art class, which Paul wasn't in, Estella had drawn and painted a picture, with water colours, of the sky with a dark tree-line at the bottom of the page. She adored art and her father always encouraged her talent in drawing, sketching and painting, as well as photography.

Sitting back, Estella set her paintbrush in the pot of water on her desk and bit her lip as she admired the painting. If she was confident in one thing then it would be her art, she loved every piece she had made and had albums and albums full of every drawing she had ever made, from the age of five to now.

 If she was confident in one thing then it would be her art, she loved every piece she had made and had albums and albums full of every drawing she had ever made, from the age of five to now

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A content, silent sigh left her plump lips and she placed her water colours into her bag, making sure that all the water left was gone and the lids where shut tightly. She began to clean up her desk space as the bell was soon to ring, other students in her class began to do the same, moving around the room quietly as most people in the class where quiet people.

It didn't take long for the painting to dry, so she closed her sketch book carefully and slid it into her bag just as the bell chimed loudly. Estella jumped slightly then pulled her coat on and lifted her bag onto her slender shoulder, walking towards the door with her butterflies intensifying.

As she stepped foot out the door, her eyes where drawn to the towering figure leaning against the wall besides the door, waiting patiently. Paul looked down at her and smiled brightly, his perfect, straight white teeth glimmering in the lights above their heads in the hallway.

Paul quickly took in her appearance with his dark eyes, drinking in her beauty. He just noticed now that she wore silver braces on her top and bottom teeth and found them adorable on her. She had oulled her dark hair into a high ponytail with her many babyhairs surrounding her heart shaped face, tucked behind her ears that had multiple piercings. One small hoop on the top of her right ear whilst both ears had their firsts to third piercings.

"Hey, beautiful." The words fell past Paul's lips before he could stop them and his cheeks burned a deep red.

"H-Hello, Paul." Estella greeted, flushing as they began walking throughout the hallway of the old brick building.

"Any idea on what the project should be about?" Paul questioned and Estella bit her lip.

"We could do it about constellations, I know a lot about them so we wouldn't need to do much research." She suggested with a shrug.

"Sounds like a plan, let's head to yours then." Paul said with admiration.

They walked down the hallway, talking to each other while weaving through the other students. People moved out of the way for Paul like they always did for him, always fearing the towering boy, which made it easy for Estella to walk at his side, feeling anxious at all the stares she recieved for walking with Paul.

Stepping out the double doors, a gust of freezing cold wind hit Estella who hugged her coat to her small body. She was instantly shivering, goosebumps covering her sun kissed skin and her hands where beginning to turn a pale red colour.

She didn't unstand how Paul stood without a single shiver racking his body, wearing a simple hoodie and jeans. He noticed her confused looks and sent her a small grin, which she blushed at but rolled her eyes and smiled up at him. She rubbed her hands together to try get warmth into them, knowing that she had bad circulation in her hands and feet.

"Jesus! Your hands, Estella." Paul gushed and gently grasped her small hands in his large, warm ones.

"N-Not all of us are living heaters." Estella joked but relished the feeling of his warm hands holding her freezing ones. "Your literally thawing my hands." She giggled and he grinned down at her.

"Lets get you in my truck before you become a little icicle." Paul joked and kept one of her tiny hands in his, leading her towards his black truck that looked freshly painted.

Paul held the passenger door of the truck open then watched as she climbed in, with a small thank young, a blush and a warm smile gracing her beautiful features. Grinning, Paul closed the door then got into the driver's seat where he saw Estella playing with her bracelet around her skinny wrist.

He noticed how petite and skinny that Estella actually is and knew it was likely due to how small she was and he also knew that she was vagitarian from what she had told him in their shared math class earlier in the day. He could see her bones easily but not so much that it was worrying.

As the truck rolled towards Estella's home, having given her address to Paul, they talked about their project and how Estella was go in to order them a cheese pizza. She had told him that it was her favourite kind of pizza and he agreed with her.

They arrived at the large Gomez home and Paul was shocked at the sheer size of the home, making Estella giggle at his expression before climbing out of the truck and Paul followed suit, shoving the keys into his pocket before slinging his rucksack onto his back.

"Your house is insane." Paul stated in awe and Estella blushed, nudging her elbow against his as they walked towards the front doors of the home.

"My dad's a lawyer, we're very lucky and grateful for what we have." She stated, shrugging her slender shoulders before pulling out her keys and opening the door. "Welcome to mi casa!" She gushed.

It wasn't a secret that the Gomez family had more money then most families in La Push and Forks but it also wasn't a secret of how compassionate and kind-hearted they where. Estella and her dad volunteered at the homeless shelter in Port Angeles every Labour Day, without fail.

Paul followed the tiny girl into the house and smiled at the interior, it gave of a wood cabin feel, like the outside of the home also did. He smiled when seeing the pictures of Estella and her dad on the mantle piece of the large fire place that wasn't lit but Estella moved to light it.

"W-We can sit in here, my dad should be home soon." Estella informed Paul, flushing when she stuttered.

"Cool, let's finish this killer project." Paul said in a joking tone and Estella giggled pulling out her books.

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