[ twenty-one ]

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[ twenty-one | come back to me ]
[ early june ]

The air outside of Emily and Sam's home that morning was thick with tension. Estella was shaking and hadn't slept a wink all night, too afraid of what could happen to the pack, what could happen to her love. It made her feel queasy and anxious.

She stood pressed against Paul in a tight hug, completely wrapped around his torso in a tight hug and he held on just as tight. He could feel the subtle tremors of her body and smoothed his large hand up and down her spine, leaning his head down to place a soft kiss to the crown of her head.

"I'll be back before you know it, baby." He muttered against her dark hair.

"You better." She replied, voice muffled against his chest.

A small chuckle rumbled in his chest and a small, uneasy smile rose onto her plump lips. Paul pulled back just enough to cup her face between his warm hands and she peered up at him with nervous eyes. His gaze was full of warmth as he leant his head down and captured her lips with his own.

They kissed for a few moments, until Paul stiffened and pulled away to rest his forehead on hers. She gripped onto the waistband of his shorts tighter because she knew that he was going to leave. He smoothed his thumb along her cheekbone before pecking her lips again.

"We can have Chinese when I come home, okay?" He proposed and she nodded.

"Okay, please be safe." She whispered. "I love you." She added.

"I love you too, baby." He kissed her again.

The absence of his hands on her body left her feeling cold as she watched him run to the woods with his pack brothers. She felt Emily wind an arm around her shoulders and link their hands together, they shared an unsure look before walking each other back into the house.


"Hey, I made us some late lunch." Emily walked into the living room.

Re-runs of Friends played on the TV and Estella sat in front of the coffee table drawing in her sketch pad to try and keep her mind busy. She looked up as Emily sat on the floor besides her, placing a tray holding two bowls of Caesar salad -one with chicken and the other without- and two glasses of homemade lemonade onto the coffee table.

"Thanks, Em." Estella said with a tiny smile and moved her art supplies to the side so she could grab the bowl with no chicken.

"I put some vegan bacon in yours." Emily added softly.

"I didn't think you or Sam liked vegan bacon." Estella replied in slight confusion.

"You like it." Emily said.

Warmth encased Estella chest at the maternal way Emily cared for her. She dug into her food and watched the comedy show with Emily, the two trying to avoid talking about how the love of their lives where out fighting vampires.

"Are you ready for college yet?" Emily asked.

"Yep, I went to look around with dad a few days ago again." Estella replied and placed her empty bowl down.

Before Emily could give her a response, their phones began to ring almost at the same time. Both women leapt toward their phones and fumbled to answer Paul and Sam respectively.

"Paul? Is it over? Are you on your way back? Are you hurt-."

"Baby, I need you and Em to come to Billy's." Paul said in a strained voice.

"What's happened?" She asked almost breathless.

"It's Jake, he's hurt." Paul replied shakily.

"Okay, we're on our way now." Estella said before hanging up.

Her and Emily didn't even speak as they put on their shoes and hurried to get into Emily and Sam's truck which Emily drove to Billy Black's house. The sun was just starting to set as the pulled up in front of the house where the pack stood along with Billy outside.

As soon as Estella got out the truck she could hear Jacob's screaming in pain and hurried over to Paul who was quick to grab her into a tight hug. He buried his face into neck, breathing in her familiar scent that made all his tense muscles relax and he practically leant his entire weight on her.

"Are you okay?" She whispered.

"I'm fine, baby." He replied softly and held her tighter against his chest. "I'm fine, I promise." He reassured her.

"How's Jake? And everyone else?" She continued to fret.

"Jake is... Dr Cullen is fixing him up, and everyone else is fine and un-injured." He reassured her and leant back to cup her cheeks.

"Good-." Her soft voice was cut off by Jacob screaming again.

Paul watched her face twist in a wince and pulled the side of her head against his chest, one arm twisting around her body while the other came up to cover her ear with his large hand. She grabbed onto him tight, squeezing her eyes shut but briefly opening them again when someone grabbed her hand and she softened even more at the sight of Seth.

Much to the confusion of her love, Estella pulled away and brought her cousin in for a hug, he fell against her and almost made her topple over. They stood comforting one another, unaware of Leah staring, Leah wanted to be closer with her cousin but felt as if she had taken side with Emily and Sam in recent months.

Sometime while comforting her cousin, Estella noticed Bella Swan's truck pull into the driveway and her head inside as Dr. Cullen walked out with claims that Jake would be healed by morning. Estella pulled away from Seth and headed over to Leah who held a look of guilt on her face as Jacob had gotten hurt protecting and saving her.

"Hey." Estella greeted softly and wound her cousin in a hug.

Leah resisted at first before relaxing into her embrace and ignored her anger towards the younger girl. Paul watched them with warm brown eyes, well he watched Estella, his eyes in the shapes of hearts at the warmth and kindness radiating from his sweet imprint.


Snuggled deep beneath the warm covers of Estella's bed, the young couple simply held one another and listened to the others breathing. Paul could tell that Estella was being clingier then she normally was, and he loved it but he just didn't love why she was so clingy.

She was clingy because she was scared he would disappear from her arms.

"Relax, baby, I'm right here and where both safe and unharmed." He reassured her softly.

"I love you, sweetness." She sighed, her body finally relaxing.

"I love you too, baby." He said and kissed the top of her head.

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