[ eight ]

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[ eight | snow ]

Estella gazed out the window of Paul's truck, her legs tucked up to her chest while a maroon beanie was pulled on her head, keeping her dark curls from clouding over her eyes. Outside the truck, snow was beginning to settle on the floor as December had come to start, Estella loved the current month.

When Paul had come to pick Estella up that morning, he had made sure that she was wrapped up for the freezing weather and had even made her a hot chocolate to put in a travel mug, which she currently sipped. She found it swert how much he cared about her and blushed when he reached to grab one of her hands.

The cold didn't affect Paul but he still wore a jacket and jeans to make him seem like a normal human, instead of a werewolf that was 180°. He wore a small smile on his lips as he gently caressed the small knuckles on Estella's equally small hand, which fit perfectly in his own large one.

"Warmed up?" Paul asked softly, casting his eyes to look at Estella who nodded from her place tucked into his side, enjoying his comforting warmth.

"Yeah, your just so warm." Estella murmured whilst cuddling into his side more, her cheeks growing warmer as they burned a dark pink colour.

A chuckle rumbled from Paul's chest and he gave her hand a squeeze, pulling into the parking lot of the school. Estella stared at the brick building then smiled slightly and climbed out when Paul parked his truck near the front of school, Jared's truck was besides his truck and it was empty, which meant he and his girlfriend/imprint, Kim, where already in school.

Reaching out, Paul gently took Estella's small hand in his own and she kept close to her side. She rested her free hand on his wrist and he smiled down at her, watching her cheeks grow a dark shade of pink, Paul found Estella adorable and loved that she had an innocent aura surrounding her.

Walking inside the brick building, Estella found herself sighing silently at the warmth that surrounded her. Gripping Paul's hand tightly, she lead the tall boy towards her locker where she placed coat and maroon scarf inside along with her beanie, running a hand through her silky brown hair to get rid of the friz left.

"Keep the sweater on, you look adorable wearing my clothes." Paul told her with a cheeky smile making her grin and blush deeply, closing her locker.

"They're like five sizes too big for me." Estella told him with a small giggle,

"Only because your tiny." Paul joked, his arm slipping around her petite shoulders with a bright smile on his tanned face.

"Your one to talk about height, your like a fricken' giant!" She exclaimed softly with a teading grin on her face, revealing her silver braces that where caught in the light of the school hallway.

Paul reached and tucked a lock of dark hair behind Estella's ear, admiring her features with his eyes swirling with awe, a faint blush coated his cheeks and a boyish smile played on his lips making Estella chuckle and grip either side of his jacket in her hands, feeling flustered under his stare.

The bell rang loudly in the corridor, making Estella grip Paul's hand and pull him towards their first class, Spanish. They sat down together, pulling their hands away from one another to collect their things from their bags for the class. Estella opened her Spanish text book to reveal a note inside, a pink sticky note to be exact.

Gorgeous girl :)
- Paul

A blush coated her cheeks and she tucked the sticky not into the clear wallet attached to her note book. Paul chuckled and grinned at her reaction, twirling a pencil between his fingers while Estella looked at him with wide blue eyes, reaching out and pinched his waist making him jump slightly and snicker into the back of his hand.

Going through their shared morning classes, Estella and Paul soon found themselves in their morning break. While Estella was in the bathroom, Paul waited patiently outside, playing a game on his phone to keep himself occupied.

Though Paul froze when he saw a group of junior girls walk into the bathroom. The group where specifically known for treating those in younger years in a horrid way. His shoulders tensed, an her focused on listening in on what was happening in the bathroom, glad for his enhanced hearing abilities.

"Oh look who it is girls, Paul Lahote's new toy."

Estella looked up from washing her hands and felt herself become shy under the girls judgemental gazes. Drying her hands on her jeans, Estella flushed as they looked her up and down with narrowed eyes, amusement lacing their matching smirks.

"U-Uh, can I p-please leave?" Estella asked, stammering over her words which made the girls all laugh, unaware of the werewolf trying hard to not lash out outside the bathroom.

"S-Shut u-up!" One of the girls mimicked Estella making the girls roar with laughter again.

"Why would Paul Lahote want to even be associated with a tiny freak like you, with them ugly braces." Another snapped.

Outside the bathroom, Paul was shaking violently and just when he was about to change into the bathroom, Jared grabbed his shoulder with Kim besides him, both looking worried and confused at his seemingly sudden anger.

Unable to say anything, Paul jabbed his thumb in the direction of the girls bathroom door, still shaking violently with anger that was growing worse as he continued to hear the girls tease and make fun of Estella, something that Jared also heard, also becoming angry.

"Some girls are been bitch's to Estella, we can't go in there, please go help her." Jared asked of Kim who nodded and disappeared into the bathroom.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" Kim snapped making the girls jump and look at the senior girl with widened eyes.

"Whatever, let's go girls." One by one, the girls all left the bathroom, leaving Estella and Kim to stand in the bathroom.

Tears fell from Estella's wide blue eyes and Kim wrapped the small girl up in her warm arms. Estella clung onto Kim while soft cries left her plump lips, the words the girls had spat at her hurt her and left her chest aching. Kim rubbed the young girls back, whispering soothing words to her.

Paul and Jared stood as stiff as a board outside the girls bathroom, Paul wanted to gather Estella in his arms and promise her that it would all be okay, he wanted to kiss her tears away and make her laugh until her tears turned from one's of sadness to one's of laughter.

"Whatever they said, its not true, c'mon, I'm sure you want some Paul lovin'." Kim guided Estella into the hallway where Paul had instantly wrapped her into a tight embrace.

"It's alright, baby, it's alright." Paul soothed her softly. "Your the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen, ignore those bitch's." He murmured to her.

"Don't swear." She mumbled against his chest that rumbled with a deep chuckle.

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