[ fourteen ]

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[ fourteen | birthday ]
[ march ]

Jonah woke his daughter up on the twenty-sixth of March in the same way he always did on this specific way, jumping straight onto her bed which always made her wake up so suddenly that she had wide eyes. Estella grinned when realising what day it was and let her dad sing happy birthday in an terribly pitched voice.

"Your seventeen! My baby is seventeen!" He dramatically cried, hugging her so tight that it hurt her ribs.

"Dad!" Estella groaned but smiled when he moved and sat infront of her.

"I can't believe how grown up you are." He pouted and grabbed the perfectly wrapped box from the bedside table and held it out. "Happy birthday, mija." He grinned, ruffling her hair.

Taking the box into her hands, Estella pulled apart the shiny pink wrapping paper to see the newest iPad and an iPad pencil to match. A grin spread over her plush lips and she set them down on her lap to throw her thin arms around his shoulders, kissing his stubble covered cheek.

"Oh, dad, its amazing! Thank you." She gushed then sat back, examining the two gifts.

"I got it in mind that you could draw on it, hence the pencil." He said warmly.

"Thanks, dad, this is amazing." She beamed and he chuckled standing up and cupped her chin.

"I'm glad you like it, now, I'm gonna make some blueberry pancakes and remember, Paul's picking you up at eleven then Sue is making your birthday dinner tonight." He said and began walking out the bedroom with a teasing smile.

As the door clicked shut, she placed her presents on her bed then stood up, feeling a sense of giddiness grow in her stomach and gush around ever inch of her body. She walked into the bathroom and stood infront of the mirror, her hair had been tied back into two French braids after washing it the previous night, and her acne cream was placed on the spots over her cheeks and forehead.

Letting out her braids, Estella fluffed her dark curls and began washing her face, then applied natural make-up, adding a little extra highlight and blush just because it was her birthday and she wanted to spice it up a little. She walked to her closet and while she wanted to get dressed in a cute dress, it was still cold outside, and instead pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans that had rips at the knees and a green sweater that Sue had knitted for her.

The sound of the door opening and closing downstairs, she hurried to tie her black ankle converse and put the necklace Paul got her on then bound down the stairs to find said boy stood at the bottom of them, dressed in dark jeans, a black top with a red and black flannel unbuttoned atop of it. A grin spread over his handsome face as she appeared and hurried down the stairs.

"Hey, baby, happy birthday." He hummed and pulled his arm out from behind his back, holding out a bouquet of sunflowers and roses mixed together.

"They're beautiful, Paul, thank you." She said while taking the flowers and wrapped her arms around his neck, his circling around her waist, drawing her closer.

"Like you, and I've got your real present in the car." He replied and pulled back, lifting a hand to cup the side of her neck then kissed her plush lips.

"Kids! C'mon, stop making out and come eat!" Jonah called out making his daughter blush and her boyfriend chuckle.

Estella patted Paul's chest and walked into the kitchen, grabbing the empty vase on the dining table and began filling it with water. Jonah came up next to her and bumped against her hip making her look at him and blush when he wiggled his eyebrows at her, she knew that look, he was teasing her about Paul.

"Smells good, Mr Gomez." Paul commented as he walked into the kitchen, grinning at Jonah.

"Thanks, sit down." Jonah replied with a bright grin.

Once the flowers sat in the vase, Estella set them on the dining table then sat besides Paul as Jonah placed plates of blueberry pancakes infront of them both before sitting down himself. The three began eating, talking to one another, mainly about what Estella was doing on her seventeenth birthday.

"So, where you guys going for the day?" Jonah asked, sipping his black coffee.

"We're gonna go for coffee in Port Angeles and walk around for a bit." Paul answered, setting his knife and fork on his plate and reached over to lace his fingers with Estella's, she kept their hands in her lap.

"What time should we head to Aunt Sue's?" She asked, playing with Paul's fingers.

"Around five, she's making lasagne and garlic break." He replied and Estella beamed, everyone who had tasted it knew how good Sue's lasagne was.

"We'll be back by then, let's go, Stell." Paul hummed while standing. "Thanks for breakfast." He said and Jonah patted his shoulder, talking the plates to the dishwasher.

"No problem, have fun you two." Jonah kissed the side of Estella's head and she smiled.

"Bye, dad." She quipped and walked with Paul to the front door, grabbing her bag and coat, holding them as they headed out to his truck.

Paul looked at Estella and smiled, slipping his large arm around her petite shoulders and she leant against him, enjoying his warmth, he leant down and pressed his lips to her forehead with a sweet smile on his lips. He jostled her shoulders, making her shake against his side and watched as giggled poured past her lips.

"Ready for your Mocha?" Paul teased with a warm grin.

"Hey, don't poke fun, you drink black coffee." She whined teasingly and prodded his toned stomach. "So, what's my present?" She asked and he chuckled, opening the passenger side door.

"Hop in and you'll see." He patted her back as she climbed into the truck with a smile, he closed the door then got into the drivers side. "Here." He placed a poorly wrapped box in her small hands.

Ripping off the wrapping paper, Estella found herself looking at a set of pencils, she new the set, they where an amazing brand and her set of pencils where getting short from the constant sharpening. Paul had noticed the state of her pencils and while he didn't have loads of money, he used what he had to make her happy, and when seeing the look on her face, he knew he'd sell his soul to see that look on her face all the time.

"P-Paul, these are my favourite." She gushed and shuffled closer to him, squeezing his larger body to her smaller one. "They cost a fortune for pencils-" She went to say, pulling back.

"Hey, your worth every cent and dollar, baby." He said and pulled her in for a kiss, while a warm, pink blush spread over her cheeks.

"Your cute." She mumbled sheepishly and he chuckled, tucking hair behind her ear and she curled up to his side.

Paul tangled his fingers through hers and began to pull out of the driveway, he could still smell blueberries and a smile came to his lips when he looked down at his small imprint fondly and leant down to kiss her forehead. She looked up at him and smiled, nuzzling against his shoulder and she knew then that this birthday would be one she would remember.

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