[ six ]

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[ six | wolf pack ]

Estella sat at her vanity in her bedroom, straightening her long mocha coloured hair that fell softly to her waist with the normal heaviness of her thick locks. Simple make up was painted on her face and honey flavoured lip balm coated her plump lips.

Behind her, sat on her bed was Paul, wearing only his pair of denim shorts, watched Estella with a smile on his face and a warm look in his dark eyes. He admired her simple movements as she continued to straighten her hair, the flat iron held in her small right hand.

The room was quiet but comforting, no tension was filtered in her air. Paul stood to his feet and walked towards Estella who placed the flat iron on the heat proof mat and switched it off with a simple flick of her finger. She looked at him through the reflection of the mirror and smiled bashfully.

Standing up, Estella tucked a silky strand of warm hair behind her ear. Paul cupped her shoulders in his large, soft hands and she silently sighed at the relief that his warm hands gave on her neutral heat that was comforting to Paul.

Today was the day that Estella would be meeting the pack that Paul was apart of and it left her feeling nervous. Of course, Paul had realised this and wanted to calm the butterflies in her stomach, she had nothing to be worried about and he knew that she'd realise this after meeting the pack, especially after meeting Emily, Sam's fiancè.

Estella's small hands had a slight shake to them and Paul only barley noticed when he took her shoulders in his hands, he slid his hands down her arms and cupped her hands in his own which made the small tremors seize almost instantly, which sent pride straight to Paul's gut.

"Don't worry, Estella, they'll love you, what's not to love?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow and pulled a silly face which made her giggle, revealing her teeth and braces.

"Your so silly." She breathed teasingly and smiled brightly up at his warm features. "I'm just nervous about meeting new people." She admitted, tucking hair behind her ear.

"You shouldn't be, your lovable and they know this, besides you can always just tell me if your overwhelmed or uncomfortable." He reassured her and she nodded.

Pulling away from Paul, Estella slipped her oversized baby blue bomber jacket over her long sleeved grey top and her black skinnny jeans which had rips in the knees. A pair of original black VANS sat comfortable on her small feet, in Paul's opinion, she looked absolutely gorgeous and adorable.

The duo walked downstairs and out the front door, which Estella locked behind them, then walked to Paul's truck that they both climbed in. The air was cold outside and inside of the truck, so Paul motioned for Estella to slide over and she curled into his side, enjoying his warmth.

"Your so warm." She hummed against the skin of his shoulder and snuggled into him.

"It's a wolf thing, one of the perks." Paul said, a smile on his face that made a blush coat Estella's cheeks.

"Nope, it's a Paul thing, your a warm person." She whispered with her doe eyes watching the road ahead of them, aware of the blush on both their cheeks.

The truck rolled down the nearly empty road, tall trees on either side of them, connecting with the large forest that Estella was always frightened of, as a child and even more now that she knows of vampires and doesn't know where they might be lurking.

Arriving at a house, Estella felt nervous and her small body tensed at the sight which made Paul turn to her worriedly, his hands moving to cup her flushed cheeks. Her blue eyes had widened to the point that she resembled a a new born puppy or a baby doe, all in all, she appeared adorable and Paul's heart melted into a puddle.

"Hey, what did I tell you?" Paul asked softly.

"N-Not to worry about meeting the pack." She stuttered slightly and flushed when she did so.

"Exactly, you can keep holding my hand and tell me if you want to leave." Paul instructed softly and assisted her out of the truck from the drivers side.

On instinct, Estella grasped Paul's large hand in her own, feeling her heart beating erratically inside of her chest. Paul looked down at her and smiled softly, pulling her closer into his side which made her relax slightly, squeezing his hand to try give herself more comfort.

Walking towards the small home, Estella noticed that it gave off a natural type of feeling that soothed her nerves even more, she took in a deep breath and tugged a lock of dark hair behind her ear. A splash of warmth ran through her chest and she sighed softly at the feeling, a comfortable feeling settled in her veins.

"Paul? Is this Estella?" A woman's voice questioned and appeared around a corner.

The woman was beautiful, with silky black ebony hair fell to her shoulder blades, wrhr equally dark eyes, her skin was a smooth russet colour, alike most of the people on the reservation. She had striking yet soft features but had three long scars across her face, Estella didn't stare too long, not wanting to make the woman uncomfortable.

"Hi, I'm Emily Young, Paul's talks about you all the time." The woman said with a warm look on her face as she hugged Estella who smiled.

"A-All good things I hope." Estella stuttered and blushed at her stuttering, but hugged Emily back, been smaller then the woman who stood at five-foot-seven.

"Of course, though he didn't think to mention just how beautiful you really are, sure he gone on and on about it." Emily gushed while lightly patting the girls flushed cheeks.

A dark blush settled on Paul's russet coloured cheeks and Estella giggled at the unusual sight, making a smile spread across the tall, werewolf's face, he adored the sound, it was possibly his favourite sound in the world, no it is his favourite sound in the world.

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