[ thirteen ]

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[ thirteen | sweet kisses ]
[ one month later | march ]

Estella laid on her stomach with her ankles crossed in the air behind her, she was completing her English assignment on her MacBook, with Paul laid leaning against her head board, playing a game on his phone. They had just finished the day at school and had returned back to Estella's home to do some homework or in Paul's case, play on his phone.

She looked over her shoulder at him, narrowing her eyes before lightly kicking the phone from his hands and it fell onto his lap softly but it was enough to make him jump. She snickered, turning back to her laptop when suddenly a pair of warm hands grabbed either side of her waist, hoisting her up into the air then back into a body.

Thick, warm arm wrapped around her slim torso and she wiggled to spin around, legs moving to either side of Paul's legs and she gripped the front of his simple, short sleeve grey top and looked at him with her big blue eyes, batting her eyelashes at him and he pursed his lips. She kissed his lips and then fell against his chest, feeling his arms wrap tightly around her small frame.

"Are you almost done, baby?" He asked gently, his voice still holding the same deep and husky tone it always did.

"I need a break, I've got a headache." She whined into his neck and he brough a hand up to massage her scalp. "That feels nice." She muttered.

"Should we cook something? It might take your mind off it." Paul suggested, and she leant back, nodding her head slightly then hopped off the bed.

Once saving her work, Estella turned the laptop off then grabbed Paul's arm, hauling him up to his feet with a struggle which made him chuckle. He let her drag him down the stairs and into the kitchen, watching as she began looking through different cupboards and the large refrigerator, with a small pout settled on her plush lips.

"You fancy pasta?" She suggested, turning to see him staring at her with adoring eyes. "Stop staring at me." She murmured, pulling things to make paste out of the cupboards.

"Why? I like staring at beautiful things." He replied with a cheeky voice and she blushed.

"Shush, are you gonna help me or what?" She resorted with narrowed eyes and he chuckled, pecking her red cheeks then moved to wash his hands.

"What should I do, Chef Estella?" He teased.

The couple moved to make spaghetti, meatballs and garlic bread, and once everything was ready, they sat down at the dining room table to eat their meal. Paul thought that Estella was gifted when it came to cooking, well anyone was better than him at cooking, he burnt toast and overcooked pasta, and while eating the food that Estella mainly prepared, he instantly wanted her and Emily to make dinner together.

Once finishing eating, and Paul having second helpings, Estella dragged him out to the back porch and pushed him to sit down on the porch swing. He did and lounged back, opening his arms and she crawled into them, settling on his lap and curled up to his warm body. One of his large hands slipped up the side of her hoodie, his warm fingers drawing patterns into the tanned skin on her stomach.

"The star's are so pretty." Estella whispered, her warm breath hitting the side of Paul's neck.

"Like you, baby." He whispered back, watching her cheeks heat up and turn a shade of pink. "It's relaxing, watching the star's." He mumbled against her pink cheek then pressed a gentle kiss to it.

"Dad and I used to outside for hours and watch them, he would tell me all about the different constellations, I find it incredibly fascinating." She replied, her voice raining as soft as silk.

"Some day, I want you to draw a picture of the star's for me." He reached a hand to brush hair behind her ear, smiling down at her as she looked up at him.

"I already have loads, darling, but I'll make you as many as you want." She replied, batting her pretty blue orbs at him then moved to sit with a knee on either side of his hips.

Paul looked at his imprint, his dark eyes full of love and adoration. He pulled her close, his large hands grasping either side of her waist under her hoodie, and she rest her hands on his broad shoulders, one of her hands coming up to brush his dark hair from his eyes. She smiled, letting her fingers and hands run across his face, admiring his features.

"Your so pretty." She mumbled and he chuckled.

"I'm handsome, baby, not pretty." He corrected and she raised an eyebrow at him.

"Nope, your pretty, so pretty." She teased, leaning forwards to press a sweet kiss to his lips and he pulled her closer, tightening his arms around her small figure.

"I like it when you take charge." He teased when she pulled back, a blush settling on her freckled cheeks.

"Hey, Paul." She whispered and he looked at her.

"Hey, baby." He replied, voice as soft as silk.

"I love you."

[1] constellation | p.lahoteWhere stories live. Discover now