[ two ]

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[ two | desk partner ]

Estella had successfully escaped the crowded corridors of the old brick building, pushing the tall, wooden door of the Spanish classroom open. Her heart was beating erratically in her chest and her palms where sweating profusely, while it felt like a golf ball was lodged in her throat.

The classroom was empty, except for the teacher, Mr Morell, who sat at his desk, silently giving a smile at Estella who shakily returned the favour, moving towards her desk at the back of the classroom. Mr Morell knew that Estella was shy and sometimes was anxious, he also knew she didn't like to talk about it whilst nervous.

Setting her coat on the back of the chair, Estella pulled out her notebook and black ball-point-pen, along with her text book which was placed on the desk. She then began to play with her charm bracelet around her skinny wrist, trying to soothe her raging nerves that left her body lightly shaking.

All she wanted to do now was go home and curl under the covers in her bed with a cup of hot chocolate while watching an episode of The Vampire Diaries. She hated that her anxiety left her wanting to leave school, she use to love school but now all she wants it to go unnoticed during the day.

The bell rang for the first period of the day and Estella began to doodle in the corner of her note book. Her eyes stayed focused onto her note book, crossing one leg over the other to make it less obvious that both her legs where slightly shaking underneath the wooden table.

Someone sat into the seat besides her, becoming her desk partner, which made her look up. She never had a desk partner because most people in her class wanted to sit near the front to be able to focus more. Estella didn't have to worry about her grades in Spanish, seeing as she was fluent in the language.

Her blue eyes fell onto the figure of Paul who offered her a gentle smile. While he was at least six-foot-four and was packed with muscle, his smile was kind as where his dark brown eyes that had Estella's stomach fluttering with butterflies.

"Are you alright?" Paul asked quietly,

"Y-Yes, I'm alright." She replied, tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear. "T-Thank you for defending me, not many people would do that for me." She admitted and blushed a deep red colour.

"Don't worry about it, Estella." Paul reassured her and continued to smile. "I'll always have your back." He told her and pulled out his things from his bag.

Estella blushed at his words, glancing back towards the front of the classroom, trying to ignore that Paul was regularly looking at her, a faint blush spread across his own cheeks. She wondered why he was blushing and that lead to her cheeks growing even warmer.

In all of her sixteen years been on Earth, Estella had never had attention off of boys. Especially from attractive people, it made her feel strange and she was sure that the feeling in her chest was a good one, it made her anxiety dwindle down, and she wasn't sure why.

As the class continued on, Estella managed to work up enough courage to look at Paul, catching him in the act of staring at her and gave him a smile which made his face go a deeper red colour, but his lips pulled up into a warm smile.

"Right, so now onto the homework-" The groaning class cut off Mr Morell, but also made Estella and Paul jump from the sudden noise, looking away from each other.

"C'mon guys! It's pair work, you work with your desk partner to create a presentation on a subject of your choice, in full Spanish." Mr Morell informed the class.

"Looks like we'll be spending more time together, Estella." Paul stated with a happy smile that made Estella feel warm inside and return the smile.

"I-I look forwards to it, P-Paul." Estella stuttered, blushing at the way her words came out, feeling embarrassed by her stutter.

The lesson came to a close and Estella stood up, placing her things into her bag which she lifted onto her shoulder and tucked her jacket over her forearm. Paul stood to his tall, towering height, Estella didn't even reach his broad shoulder but it didn't provoke fear in her, she felt comfort looking at him.

"What class do you have next?" Paul asked as they began to wall out of the classroom, Estella sending a smile towards Mr Morell who returned it.

"Um, AP math..." Estella murmured as they walked into the hallway together. "W-What do you think we should do about our project?" She asked, looking up at him.

"We can start it tonight if you want, but we can't go to my house because my dad won't like it." Paul informed her, looking strained in his features.

"That's fine, you can come to m-my house, my dad loves company." Estella suggested and tucked hair behind her ear in a self-conscious way, from people looking at the duo.

"Cool, we can meet near the front doors when school's done." Paul said, smiling with happiness glowing on his face which made Estella blush once again.

Paul peered down at the tiny, chocolate haired girl and smiled brightly. He could tell she was shy and that gave an adorableness about her, she looked like a baby doe with her stunning, wide blue eyes. She looked up at him and he felt like he had melted into a puddle.

"I'm in your math class, we can walk together. Your in class with all us senior's?" Paul asked curiously as they began to walk down the hallway.

"I-I'm really focused on my education, I want to be able to graduate early so I can begin a course at Forks college in Interior Design, I've always wanted to study design, dad says I have a talent for it, and I think that I do but I just get nervous about showing people, you know?" Estella rambled, clearly passionate about her future.

Ever since Estella was young and her father had taken her to visit family in Spain, where she saw many houses that appeared very different from the ones in La Push or Forks. She took interest in desiging rooms when she was around ten and she completely designed the rooms when she and her dad moved into the house they live in now.

As the words spilled past her lips, Paul stared down at her with a puppy look on his face, complete awe of the girl washing over his tall being. When she had stopped talking, her face flushed and she looked up at Paul's silly expression, which made giggled pass her lips and Paul gave her a lazy, lopsided grin.

"C'mon, let's head to class." Estella pulled Paul through the sea of students, aware of the blush on her cheeks and unaware of the smile on Paul's face.

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