Chapter 1

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"Are you sure it's okay we are showing up here?" Scott Evans asked his boyfriend Steve as they walked into the recording studio.

"She knew we were coming into town and wanted to see you right away." Steve said talking about his sister.

"Right and she was coming over tonight and I could have seen her." Scott said and Steve shook his head.

"She will love the surprise, trust me." Steve said and they walked in and Steve waved to some of the producers and sound mixers. They smiled and waved back. Steve and Scott both looked in the booth and saw her there working over some lyrics with someone.

"She is going to be so surprised when she looks up." Steve said and Scott smiled.

"Gemma, you ready?" The one sound mixer asked through the speaker into the booth.

"Give me a minute." I said slightly annoyed. After a few minutes I took a deep breath and the person I was talking to left the booth. I stayed looking at the lyric sheet we had just working on.

"Okay, lets try it this way." I said and the music started and I started singing and recording a song. Once I was done I looked up and saw my brother and his boyfriend.

"STEVE!! SCOTT!!" I said excited and threw off the headphones and ran out of the booth. Once I reached them I and wrapped my arms around Steve's neck and he picked me up in our hug then I moved and hugged Scott the same way.

"We thought we would surprise you." Steve said.

"I love this surprise. Today has been hell." I said.

"Wouldn't be if you would just take our suggestions." The one guy sitting at the sound board said and I rolled my eyes.

"You being a diva again?" Steve asked joking and I groaned. I punched Steve on the shoulder and walked away back into the booth.

"You had to piss her off more?" Scott asked. I went back in the booth and got back to working on the song we had been trying to figure out. Once I was happy with it as were the producers I walked back out of the booth.

"Are you done for the day?" Steve asked and I nodded.

"Yeah I have been here since 6am." I said and noticed it was 6pm.

"12 hours Gem?!" Steve asked in shock and I groaned.

"I am trying to get all this music done for the executives, they want an album in 5 months." I said he groaned.

"So I come back to LA to visit my baby sister and she is going to be busy." Steve said and I groaned.

"Okay let's not do this here. Why don't we order in some food and talk about it at home." Scott said and I nodded in agreement. We all headed to Steve's house and ordered in some Chinese and I sat on the couch.

"Sorry about the diva comment earlier." Steve said and I huffed a laugh.

"Yeah I know, it's fine." I said and placed my head on his shoulder and he smiled and kissed the top of my head.

"I am happy to have you both here in LA. How long are you here?" I asked.

"I am back for a few weeks, then back to Boston but I will be back after only about a week. Got a family function I need to go to." Scott said and I huffed a laugh.

"What? Your brother learn how to count to 10 and there's a party?" I asked and Scott laughed.

"I love how much you hate my brother." Scott said and I shrugged.

"I would think different of him if he was ever nice to meet when I had met him and just didn't blow me off. Did I tell you about the one after party after the VMA's?" I asked.

"What happened?" Scott asked and Steve groaned knowing the story.

"It was right after you two started dating and he came up to me, I was sitting with some friends and he came up asked if I was Steve's sister and I said yeah so he introduced himself and I thought he was being sweet and then he ended up hitting on my one best friends, sleeping with her and never contacting her again. Now whenever we run into each other he blows me off or acts like he doesn't know me. He annoys the hell out of me." I said and Scott shook his head.

"Sounds like Chris unfortunately." Scott said and I nodded as the food was delivered.

"I'll get it." I said and got up to answer the door.

"So you aren't going to tell her are you?" Steve asked Scott when he came back into the living room with drinks.

"Not now. I'll figure out when." Scott said and I walked back into with the food. Once we were done eating I stood up and stretched.

"Okay well I hate to eat and run but I am exhausted." I said and they nodded and walked me to the door.

"Hey, you going to be in the studio tomorrow?" Steve asked.

"No but I will be home writing all day. I have a couple songs I want to present to everyone." I said and Steve smiled.

"Maybe you could use an audience?" Steve asked and I laughed.

"Actually I could. Why don't you guys come over around noon tomorrow. I can't promise I'll cook lunch but I will order pizza." I said and they laughed.

"Sounds good." Scott said and I smiled. I kissed both their cheeks and headed home.


Once Gemma left Steve groaned.

"I hate lying to my sister about this." Steve said.
"She will be fine. She needs to give him a chance." Scott said.

"Scott, you and I know he hasn't changed much from a few years ago when he did what he did to her friend. He is in his 40's, when will he grow up?" Steve asked and Scott groaned.

"Listen, that is why I want to get him with your sister. She is a good person and can maybe change his mind about just sleeping around. Trust me the entire family is tired of it as is his PR team." Scott said.

"So my sister, my sweet innocent baby sister is basically being used as a PR stunt and she doesn't even know it?" Steve asked and Scott groaned.

"Not technically no. If this works and they are seen out together then perfect. If it doesn't work and they can't stand the sight of each other then fine his PR team can figure out what they want to do." Scott said and Steve groaned.

"I still don't like it." Steve said and Scott just sighed.

"Well he is getting in tomorrow morning so why don't we take him to your sisters place?" Scott asked and Steve groaned.

"I'll text her. I will say a friend is coming in from out of town and see what she says." Steve said and pulled out his phone.

>Hey, Scott and I just remembered we have a friend coming in from out-of-town tomorrow morning. Can they come be apart of the audience tomorrow?< Steve sent off the text.

>Sure, the more input I get the better.< Gemma sent back.

"She said it's fine if we bring someone." Steve said and Scott smiled.

"Operation Gemma and Chris is a go." Scott said.

"Uh no, operation keeping Gemma and Chris from killing each other is a go." Steve said.

"Not to mention keeping her from killing me for not telling her the friend is Chris." Steve continued and Scott walked up to him.

"You help me with this I will love you forever." Scott said and gave Steve a small kiss.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Steve said and they laughed.

*****NORMAL POV*****

I had just text my brother back that his friend could come. I had no clue who this person was but I needed a new perspective about these songs and hopefully be good enough to give to the executives. I needed to change my sound this was the way to do it. I sat at the piano and started playing some keys on a song that had been rolling around in my head lately and it just spoke to me. I started playing the music and singing.

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