Chapter 17

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I was all set up to perform and then after performing would be the interview. I was worried about how this was going to go and I was super nervous. As I sat at the piano Dodger came over and sat beside me and I smiled.

"Dodger, bubba..." Chris said trying to get him to move.

"He's fine Chris, he won't be seen." I said and Chris nodded.

"I will be in the kitchen, out of sight and not making a sound." Chris said and I smiled. Before he could walk away I grabbed his hand and pulled him to me and he gave me a small kiss.

"Sound amazing." Chris said as we broke apart. Once Chris was gone a I heard them count down and almost time to bring me in. I was super nervous to do this interview because Rick told me Tom questions were not off limits.

"Now here to perform a new song remotely is Gemma Sky!" The host said and their crowd cheered and I smiled into the camera, took a deep breath and started singing.

🎵Even if you see my scars,
Even if I break your heart,
If we're a million miles apart,
Do you think you'd walk away?
Are you lost in all the noise?
Even if I lose my voice,
Flirt with all the other boys,
What would you say?
Could you?
Could you?
Could you love me anyway?
Is it for better or for worse,
Or am I just your good-time girl?
Can you still hold me when it hurts,
Or would you walk away?
Even if I scandalize you,
Cut you down and criticize you,
Tell a million lies about you,
What would you say?
Could you?
Could you?
Could you?
Could you love me anyway?
Could you still love me?
Pick up the pieces of me?
Could you still love me?
Could you love me anyway?
Will you catch me when I fall?
And we rise above it all
Will you hold me when it hurts?
Like it's the end of the world?
Could you?🎵

Once the song was over they went to break and I got set up with the camera on the couch and just waited for them to come back. Right before they came I did a double check that there was nothing around that had Chris or his family on it. Once they came back I was on the screen in the studio and I saw them on my screen.

"Gemma! It is so great to see you!" The one host said.

"It's great seeing you guys too! Sorry I couldn't be in studio." I said.

"It's not big deal, we understand this was very last minute so we were grateful for you to do this." The male host said.

"I was more than happy to do this." I said and smiled.

"Now Gemma, you have certainly been making some new lately. A lot of it has to do with the release of the new music, which is amazing by the way." The one host, Robin started to say.

"Thank you." I said and she smiled.

"But the other part of the news isn't so great. You and Tom Hiddleston had a very public relationship and everyone seemed to love you two together but you both released a statement the other day that you are no longer together. Would you like to elaborate?" Robin continued. My hands were on my lap and I started to wring them, nervous.

"Um...Tom and I right now just have busy schedules and things were getting a little hard to be together. This split was very amicable and we still care for each other very much." I answered.

"So reports say this was because he wanted to take you home to meet his family. Did you not want to meet his family?" The male host, Michael asked.

"No, that's not true. If I had gone to London with him I would have been more than happy to meet his family but timing just wasn't perfect." I said. I was getting more and more anxious during this interview having to defend myself.

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