Chapter 13

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I was sitting backstage getting ready to go out and do an interview on a talk show and I knew I was performing as song as well.

"Okay are there any topics you would like us to not bring up Gemma?" The stagehand asked.

"Anything about Tom and I please." I said and she nodded and rushed out of the room.

"What is going on there?" Steve asked as they touched up my make up. I ignored him and then just waited to be taken out.

"Hey, so you have sometime coming up right?" Steve asked and I nodded.

"Yeah about a week, why?" I asked and Steve smiled.

"You and Tom should come to Boston. Chris's birthday is coming up and we are throwing him a party. I'm sure he would love to see the both of you." Steve said and I sighed.

"Yeah, sounds good. I'll talk to Tom." I said and Steve nodded.

"Why isn't he here right now?" Steve asked.

"He had something to do." I said and Steve sighed.

"You miss him...." Steve said and I looked at him.

"What?" I asked.

"You look sad, you miss him." Steve said and I gave a small smile.

"I do, but I know he is a busy guy and I took a lot of his time. He is just working now." I said and Steve nodded. I was getting tired of fighting the 'Where's Tom' questions. Steve was about to say something until the stagehand came walking in.

"We are ready for you Gemma." She said and I got up to leave the room. Steve followed but when and took his seat in the front row of the audience. Once I was done with the interview I knew it was time to sing and I was playing piano as well as I sang. I went and sat at the piano and practiced during the commercial break and Steve brought my phone over to me and showed me a message.

>Hey, watched the interview. Can't wait to hear you sing.< the text from Tom came through. I knew he had to be livestreaming since he was in London.

>Thanks. I told them to not ask about us. We have to figure out what we are doing.< I sent to him.

>And we will, I promise. Come to London on your week off.< Tom said and I groaned

>I can't come to London that easily, why don't you come here? Steve just invited us to Chris's birthday that is coming up.< I sent off.

>I can't do that either, we will figure it out.< Tom sent and I heard them getting ready to come back from commercial and I handed Steve back my phone and took a deep breath to fight off tears.

"And here she is performing a song that was recently added as a bonus track to the album. Me, Myself and I." The host said and everyone cheered. I took another deep breath and started playing and singing.

It must be the end of the road
It must be the end of you and I
And forever too
Walking the last bridge alone
We've given up on the good times

And the bad we knew
When I'm alone in a cold, dark room, well
There's still someone that I can tell my troubles to
Me, myself, and I will never be alone
We'll find a way to get along and we'll be fine
When all that's left is me, myself, and I
Myself and I will never be alone
We will find a way to get along and we'll be fine
When all that's left is me, myself, and I
When did it start getting old?
When did it stop being worth the time just to see it through?
I don't wanna get used to 'It's over'
We've already said too much to make it new
When I'm alone in a cold, dark room, well
There's still someone that I can tell my troubles to
Me, myself, and I will never be alone
We'll find a way to get along and we'll be fine
When all that's left is me, myself, and I
Myself and I will never be alone
We will find a way to get along and we'll be fine
When all that's left is me, myself, and I
Well it's hard to see you don't belong to me
'Cause I gave you the best part of my life
Well, I tried to be everything that you want me to be
But I don't have to give you reasons why
'Cause all that's left is me, myself, and I
I'm not gonna try to forget
Maybe happiness Is worth the chance of a bitter end?
'Cause here at the end of the road I don't really care who is right
I'll give you the last word tonight
'Cause me, myself, and I will never be alone
We'll find a way to get along and we'll be fine
When all that's left is me, myself, and I
Myself and I will never be alone
We will find a way to get along
And we'll be fine
When all that's left is me, myself, and I

When I finished singing I was fighting off tears when the host came walking over and I was happy to hear them say that it was the end of the show. I waved and they ended.

"That song was amazing Gemma." The host said.

"Thank you." I said standing up.

"About anyone special?" She asked and I just shook my head.

"No I wrote it awhile ago and thought it was time to release it." I said she smiled. Kelly, my assistant came up to me.

"We have to go." She said and I nodded knowing I had more interviews to do that day. Once I got back to the hotel that night since I was in New York I just laid in bed and started crying. As I laid there crying my phone went off with a facetime and I answered. He could see I was upset.

"I was calling to tell you that you did amazing on the talk shows today but you don't look like you want to hear that right now. What's wrong?" Chris asked and I wiped away my tears and smiled at him.

"Just some personal stuff. Thanks for calling." I said and Chris smiled.

"No problem." Chris said.

"So did you watch everything I was on?" I asked and Chris smirked.

"I may have. Scott and I sat and watched because he refused to miss you." Chris said and I smiled.

"And what about you? You refuse to miss me too?" I asked and Chris laughed.

"Maybe." Chris said and I laughed.

"My mom even came over and watched. Like I said before she is a big fan." Chris said and I smiled.

"Well maybe I can meet her when I come to your birthday party." I said and Chris's face light up with excitement.

"You are coming?!" Chris asked excited.

"Yeah Steve invited me today. Is that okay?" I asked and Chris nodded.

"Of course it is. Is Tom coming with you?" Chris asked.

"I think so. He is busy right now in London so I will have to see if he can come home." I said and Chris nodded.

"London? So he isn't even in the states?" Chris asked and I shook my head.

"No, he had to go to London." I said and Chris nodded not sure what to say.

"Well either way it will be nice to see you." Chris said and I nodded.

"So I have been wondering, the girl you were with at the album launch, how is that going?" I asked and Chris laughed.

"That was a set up with my PR team, they didn't want me going alone." Chris said and I laughed.

"Wow, it's almost like they don't trust you Mr. Evans." I said and he shrugged.

"Or maybe it was because someone had to make a better-looking couple than you and Tom." Chris said and I smiled.

"Maybe..." I trailed off. I heard a knock on my door.

"Listen I think they are here to get me ready for late night with Jimmy Fallon so I have to go." I said and Chris nodded.

"Tell Jimmy I said hi." Chris said and I laughed.

"I will and if I don't talk to you beforehand I will see you next week." I said and Chris nodded.

"See you then." Chris said and we hung up. I went and answered my hotel room door and it was Steve. He could tell I had been crying.

"Can you please tell me what the hell is going on and why you have been so sad lately?" Steve asked and I shook my head.

"If I even knew what was going on I would tell you but I don't really know for sure." I said and Steve groaned.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" Steve asked as we sat on my bed.

"No, this is all on me." I said and Steve groaned.

"I just want my happy sister back again." Steve said and I groaned and threw a pillow at him.

"I am you happy sister, I just have a lot going on. If you haven't noticed I am being run ragged by talk shows, interviews and performing. I'm a little overwhelmed right now." I said and Steve sighed with a nod.

"I know, I'm sorry. At least you have next week off, you get to see Tom and we party." Steve said and I smiled.

"Yep, that's what I am looking forward to!" I said trying to sound excited knowing this week a lot of things were going to come to light. 

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