Chapter 21

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Tong Yao climbed back onto the van with a full stomach, burping. When she sat down on her seat, Lu Sicheng, who had been on WeChat, raised his head and announced helplessly, “I have to go home this weekend.”

It was off season for them and all the team members were basically on vacation. Anyone could go away for a few days. However, Xiao Rui asked as if he knew something wasn’t right, “Did they ask for you to go back?”

“My dad said that my mom has run away again.” Lu Sicheng answered with a very calm voice, “It’s the third time this year. The first time she tried, she found it to be very effective on my dad. So she keeps doing it…...So you simply can’t pamper a woman, you give her a ladder, she’ll go up to the sky.”

It seemed that everyone knew something about his family’s problem, no one was paying much attention.

Xiao Rui leaned against the seat and said, “But before you go, shouldn’t we finish the skirmish with YQCB next door?”


“We’re set for the day after tomorrow.”

“Then I’ll book the flight for the day after that.”

As he was spoke, he happened to turn his phone on speaker phone, the voice of a middle aged man came through-- --

[I’m telling you that this time I definitely won’t humor her. If I do that, I’ll be a laughingstock. Last time I coaxed her to come home, she maxed out my credit card the very next day. It’s not just to hurt my feelings but also my purse……]

Everyone: “......”

Lu Sicheng turned off the speaker.

The van was silent.

“A henpecked husband.” Lu Sicheng spoke without any expression, “Sorry to let you listen to this.”

“It’s nothing. It’s Chinese traditional virtues, traditional virtues!”

“Hear, hear!”

“For an upperclassman, it’s not called henpecked husband anymore. It’s called pampering the wife and kids!”

Since Xiao Rui started by waving his hand, everyone else chimed in. Tong Yao twitched her lips, “You all better remember what you’ve said today when you get married later on-- --henpecked husbands is a Chinese traditional virtue-- --If you forget, I’ll help remind your spouses.”

“Don’t expect your future husband to be a henpecked one.” Lu Sicheng glanced at her.

“Why? We live in the same world!”

“You're too gullible.”


Tong Yao thought about it, then blushed and used her hands to cover her ears. She turned to stare at the man in the dark who was focused on purchasing an airline ticket on his cell phone…...Tong Yao saw the destination was a southern city not too far from Shanghai. It was said that in that city, a rock dropped from the sky would kill 3 billionaires.


Two days later, it was the day of their skirmish with YQCB.

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