Chapter 75

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Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng left the market around noon.

The aftermath from learning the true nature of that jungler made Tong Yao hungry-- --But she was embarrassed to tell Lu Sicheng and just looked out the window of the car……

She could feel her stomach churning.

Seeing that they were near the base, Tong Yao tried to recall whether there was still beef and vegetables left in the refrigerator that she could put in her instant noodles. She could add an egg and a slice of cheese…...The more Tong Yao thought about it, the hungrier she felt. She wanted the bowl of noodles so badly that she almost began to drool-- --

But something unexpected happened.
As they were almost at base, Lu Sicheng suddenly turned onto a road going away from the base-- --

Tong Yao: “......?”

“Where are we going?” Seeing her instant noodles grow further, Tong Yao grew anxious: “Cheng Ge, our base is in the other direction. Why are you going this way? Did you make a wrong turn?”

“No, I didn’t.”

“How can that be?”

“I haven’t made a wrong turn.” Lu Sicheng said: “Sit tight. Are there thorns on your seat or are you incapable of sitting still?”

Tong Yao threw herself back into the seat: “...........................Lu Sicheng, where exactly are you going?”

She addressed him with his full name.

With both hands on the steering wheel, the corners of Lu Sicheng’s lips curved up but he didn’t correct her. It was fun to hear her calling his name through gritted teeth.

He decided to tease her a little and lazily said: “I’m going to find a place to exchange you for some wine-- --”

“I’m damn hungry right now and just want to go back to the base so I can eat a bowl of steaming hot instant noodles. I don’t feel like joking around with you. So before I pound you into dirt and get your red buff for a month no matter what match it is, you better speak nicer to me.”


Lu Sicheng glanced at his passenger as if he was seeing a crazy person. Noting that she was serious about what she was saying and looking as if she was ready to jump and bite at him at any moment, Lu Sicheng paused for a moment before speaking in a normal tone: “I’m going to eat. I’m hungry too. This morning when I took out the coke from the fridge, I noticed that there wasn’t anything left in it. You want to hurry back to base so you can mix your noodles with cat food cans?”


“You finally washed your hair and put some makeup on, is it worth it just going to the market?”

“If it’s not worth it to just go to the market, then is it worth it if I die of hunger on the road?”

“......” Hunger had driven Tong Yao to be braver than she had never been before. Displeasure was written all over her face. Lu Sicheng gave up arguing with her. “What do you want to eat?”


“Don’t girls all like to eat Japanese food or something……”

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