Chapter 170

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The match officially began.

Old K knew that since Little Fatty wasn’t here today, there would be issues with ward placement. He naturally chose Lee Sin as his champion, who relied on wards for mobility and diving, in order to work with Tong Yao to make up for the lack of wards. Once the the game began, Lu Sicheng briefly explained to Tong Yao where to place wards at bot in the early game, then he stopped talking-- --

When ZGDX was playing a match, the one who gave the orders was the one who talked the least. In order to lighten things up, there must be someone in the team to be the chatty one-- --Little Fatty was the one who usually took that important position in the team. But now he wasn’t here, Tong Yao and Lu Yue picked up the responsibility for him……

In the first two or three minutes of the match, ZGDX had a slight farming advantage at both top and bot. Together with their Jungler, ZGDX was in the lead with over 200 gold, which was a very minor advantage-- --At mid, the enemy’s mid, the one who was said he wasn’t feeling well the first day when they played against ZGDX, was very combative and had even killed more minions than Lu Yue. Everytime, he moved up a level earlier than Lu Yue, he would come to throw some abilities at Lu Yue……

Lu Yue: “He’s very hostile. How can he be so aggressive with his Karma against my Annie. Is it because I’m a new face so he’s acting so belligerently?”

Tong Yao: “What else can Karma do other than poke at you…… How do you have the nerve to complain here when a wild card guy has more cs than you? Since the game just started, how about you come down and play support and I’ll go play mid?”

Lu Yue: “I’m the mid substitute.”

Tong Yao had just cleared a minion wave with Lu Sicheng. She turned around and headed to mid: “We can tell the referee that this is called a reasonable change of lanes.”

Lu Yue started crazily pinging: “I won’t do it, go play support. Just leave wards. Then get lost, mid doesn’t welcome you-- --Go away, quick, or I’ll call the other side’s jungler to come up here!”

As he was talking, the enemy Karma had reached level 4. Seeing Lu Yue was playing passively, he came up to give Lu Yue a combo of abilities-- --However, he didn’t expect Tong Yao to be on her way there. Tong Yao, with Lulu at level 4, came over to silence Karma, then e,q to slow and weaken the enemy. Lu Yue followed up with a combo of abilities. Karma was barely clinging onto life. In the end, Bear’s jungler came to help and Karma fled with Flash!

Bear’s jungler didn’t continue to attack Lu Yue or Tong Yao. Even though Lu Yue had low health, he and Tong Yao had all four Summoner's abilities available, Lulu even had exhaust (halves the attack speed and movement speed of the affected champion). He only farmed a wave of minions then turned to leave mid.

Tong Yao hid in the bird nest of the four monsters in the jungle and tapped the B key to return to base: “You would be dead if I wasn’t here.”

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