Chapter 55

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The following conversation was in Korean.

[Kun: Cheng Ge QAQ]

[fhdjwhdb2333: ?]

[Kun: Is this true? Your team's mid is actually your woman?]

[Kun: You've moved in too quickly!]

[Kun: I thought you weren't that kind of person.]

[fhdjwhdb2333: Do I have to prove it to you? Even if she isn't now, she will be in the future. Even if I've just taken a liking to her and prepared to pursue her, isn't it the same thing as being my woman? Surely you don't think you can still chase after her even if she isn't mine yet?]

[Kun: Waah QAQ, don't be so mean. You don't have to be like this if you just want to protect your teammate......I'll be really nice to her! She's so cute, I want to hold her in my palms and cherish her!]

[fhdjwhdb2333: Shut up, brat. No matter how cute she is, she is my woman.]

[fhdjwhdb2333: Don't you think I don't know your record Hengshuo. Back in Korea you've broken the hearts of many girls-- --Whenever I was drinking with Junhe, he would talk about all of your affairs and every time, it's a different girl.]

[Kun: It's different this time. Really, it's different! QAQ If we get together, I'll announce to the whole world that we're together. I'll even post it on Facebook! Then even the fans in Korea will know about it! Everyone will be monitoring me, what else can I do! I beg you, like a man begging to his father-in-law! Please!]

[fhdjwhdb2333: No.]

[fhdjwhdb2333: It's not your turn in terms of who meets her first brat. Save yourself the trouble.]

After sending out the last sentence of his sharp rebuff, Lu Sicheng set down his cell phone despite the fact that it was still ringing.

The champion he picked for the match had spawned at the spring already, he started to purchase items.

The screen on his cell phone kept flashing, indicating there were more new WeChat messages-- --

[Kun: Don't you believe in love at first sight? She's so cute when she was muttering during the game. I wanted to live at mid and give her all the kills in the world......]

[Kun: That's why I stayed at mid during the second match. Kekekeke.]

[Kun: Cheng Ge, say something QAQ]

[Kun: Cheng Ge, why do you ignore me!]

[Kun: Please agree to it! I just like a girl like that! I feel like I have finally met the one I am fated to meet!]

[Kun: I'll really treat her well!]

[Kun: What should I do to make you believe me?]

[Kun: Then how about I go beat up Mintai (Ah Tai, TAT's mid)?]

Li Hengshuo was still clingy like a spoiled child as if he wouldn't stop until he earned Lu Sicheng's approval......Lu Sicheng didn't pay much attention to him; he would only take a peek at the messages from time to time.

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