Chapter 111

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Lu Sicheng picked Tong Yao up and placed her on the bed. The cell phone which was on the edge of the bed sprang up and fell onto the ground, making a loud thud as the commentary continued to come from the phone-- --

[Yang god will definitely be the MVP for this match. It wouldn’t make sense if it’s not him.]

Tong Yao scrambled to try to get up from the bed, but Lu Sicheng had already reached over to push her head back onto the bed with his big hand. In the meantime Xiao Rui was knocking on the door: “What happened? I heard something fall? Are you alright?”

Tong Yao cried out: “Ah.” Lu Sicheng happened to come closer and lick her lower lip like a dog at the same time. Tong Yao had goosebumps all over her body and shouted with a hoarse voice: “I’m alright, I’m alright. My cell phone fell onto the ground…...I’m changing now!”

The man outside the door acknowledged with an ‘oh’ without any suspicions. A muffled laughter came from the man on top of her, as if he was enjoying seeing Tong Yao being petrified that Xiao Rui might open her door……

If he had, he would’ve seen one of Tong Yao’s legs was bent up on the bed and Lu Sicheng’s torso was locked right between her two legs…...It was summer time and all the players were wearing the short sleeved team uniform top but not the long dark colored team pants. Instead, they all wore loose shorts. The bottom of the shorts on her bent up leg had fallen downwards and the fair skin of her thigh was readily visible. As he was looking down, Lu Sicheng could faintly see the edge of a lighter colored fabric……

[With that pentakill, Yang god’s essentially taken complete control over the game-- --Actually, I think this is a good thing. Just like Smiling’s Syndra. Here we can tell all the other players, don’t be superstitious about champions. As long as the champion is used properly, any champion is usable.]

One of Lu Sicheng’s hands was pressed down on Tong Yao’s tummy, while his other hand had reached into her shorts. The tips of his long and lean fingers had already touched the edge of her underpants-- --

Tong Yao shuddered and offhandedly grabbed the pillow next to her head and smashed it into Lu Sicheng’s head!

Lu Sicheng took the pillow and threw it to the side. He lowered his body again with a smile and kissed her lips. His big hand easily went into Tong Yao’s uniform top and reached up to hold onto her soft bosom……


Tong Yao, who hadn’t been talking thus far, grabbed another pillow to cover her own face.

Lu Sicheng used his other hand to remove the pillow: “It’s dirty.”

Tong Yao’s hair was disheveled and the corners of her eyes were reddish. She stared at Lu Sicheng and said: “It’s not dirty.”

Lu Sicheng lowered his head to kiss the corner of her eye and said: “Don’t cover your face, let me look at you.”

Tong Yao’s red face suddenly began growing even redder, so red that it looked that her blood would seep through her skin. She lifted her foot trying to kick Lu Sicheng off her body. But he got ahold of her ankle with ease and with just a slight effort turned her over-- --

[Come to think of it, it was after Smiling started to use Syndra that more people began using her…...I remember back when she first came out on the Korean server that people were using her in ranked matches. But the competition at the time was on an older version of the game-- --Our Smiling is surpassing the versions, hahaha!]

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