Chapter 120

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Tong Yao read the bullet comments for a while and was about to continue with her ranked games. Her cell phone in front of her lit up and she took a glance at it. It was a message from a name which she didn’t recognize-- --

[My queen’s seat is filled: You just keep spoiling them.]

Tong Yao: “......? ? ?”

Tong Yao didn’t think she knew any chuunibyou, other than her brother, on her WeChat contact list. She checked the previous chat history with this person and found out that she had an intimate conversation with this chuunibyou last night.

Tong Yao: “.................................”

She put her cell phone down for three seconds to cool her head.

Then she accepted the fact that this chuunibyou was her boyfriend.

[ZGDX, Smiling: ……………………………………...Why did you change your name to this silly one?]

[My queen’s seat is filled: ? …...Oh, Lu Yue changed it.]

[My queen’s seat is filled: He isn’t wrong about that, it seems.]

[ZGDX, Smiling: It isn’t wrong? Changing the name to remind all those fangirls of yours not to act rashly?]

[My queen’s seat is filled: There’s only you.]

[I want to tie the red thread with you: Does this work? Making trouble out of nothing.]

Tong Yao looked at the name that just changed and lifted her phone up with a beaming smile on her face. The viewers on the bullet comments all laughed at her “the foul smell of falling in love” “she smiles like an idiot, it must be the captain on her cell phone” “why use WeChat, they can hear each other fart in the base”. Tong Yao was about to say something, but another line popped up on her phone-- --

[I want to tie the red thread with you: There’s more.]

[I want to tie the red thread with you: Loosen your pretty clothes and enter the newly wed’s bedroom.]

Tong Yao: “............................................”

[ZGDX, Smiling: You dirty bastard.]

[I want to tie the red thread with you: I’m here to have a serious discussion with you and you’re the one who changed the subject-- --I told you not to pamper those two kids. If I don’t press their heads down and make them admit their mistakes, they’ll continue their fights.]

[ZGDX, Smiling: I went over that with you last night, you need to use loving care! I’m afraid that if you told them you were going to use substitutes, it would make them even more rebellious.]

[I want to tie the red thread with you: If we lose to YQCB tomorrow like today, you’ll see how rebellious your captain will be.]

[ZGDX, Smiling: ……]

[I want to tie the red thread with you: I don’t care, you have to resolve the mess you’ve created. Or I’ll scold even you.]

[ZGDX, Smiling: …………………………………….I haven’t created any mess. It’s just that at the time, your handsome face was so near me and I thought my man was so handsome, maybe I should kiss him? Then I kissed you.]

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