Chapter 91

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The next morning, Tong Yao made a shocking move after she got out of bed-- --She started live-streaming.

“How are you all, everyone. This is Smiling, ZGDX’s mid. Welcome to this edition of the inside story about Who exactly is Ai Jia’s girlfriend! Since the incident that started from Tieba has somewhat irritated me, I’m here to bring you first-hand gossip!”

Inside the base, Tong Yao held the selfie stick with her cell phone on top. She took a look at her own face on the phone and was somewhat frightened by the dark circles under her eyes. She continued without much expression: “This time I’m really risking everything. Chen Jinyang, you owe me a Maserati.”

[Moderator] [Xiao Congzimao]: [I’ll burn one to you at Tomb Sweeping Day.][1]

Tong Yao: “......”

Holding the selfie stick, Tong Yao walked around the base and started with Little Fatty who was huddled in the corner, looking like he was sleep-walking-- --

“This is our team’s support, Little Fatty. He’s just gotten up and is currently troubled by the question of how would a top support in our own league drop down to Diamond 2 on the Korean server.”

Tong Yao aimed her cell phone at Little Fatty so everyone could clearly see his face. Little Fatty looked up and listlessly waved his hand…...Tong Yao walked to the seat on the other side of the room with her camera-- --

Tong Yao: “This is our team’s top, Old Cat. And this one is his old pal, Old K. These two are playing duos as usual. For more details, please check Old Cat’s stream.”

Old Cat: “Old K, if you don’t come up top soon, you’re going to lose your baby.”

Old K: “Coming, coming. Hrm, I can’t even go down to mid to farm, are you a parasite?”

Tong Yao then walked towards the sofa, focusing the camera on all the creatures on the sofa: “Our team’s substitute mid. He dropped my account from Challenger to Master for the 5th time. But in competitions and skirmishes, his performance is much better. The male version of ZGDX’s pretentious bitch, Lu Yue-- --And the two shameless cats who lick each other in public places.”

Lu Yue didn’t even look up and continued to play on his game console.
Dabing looked up.

Xiao Cong was still licking Dabing’s face, then lazily squinted its eyes.

Xiao Cong then staggered to stand up and climbed onto Dabing’s back. Xiao Cong was trying to balance itself, then lowered its head and began pulling Dabing’s ear.

The bullet comment exploded with comments like-- --

[Damn, isn’t it Xu Tailun’s kitten?]

[How did this cat come over to ZGDX?]

[Where did it come from? The cat!]

[Why do I have to watch two cats’ PDA? You two don’t belong to the same species, what are you two doing!]

[What’s going on between Smiling and Xu Tailun? Don’t do this, if you want to have an affair with a fan, come to me. If you want to have an affair with a player, have it with Cheng Ge! ! ! ! ! !]

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