Chapter 129

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As soon as Lu Sicheng slammed the door, he picked up Tong Yao and pinned her against the wall-- --With one hand holding her bottom, he used his other hand to touch her lips: “Where has he touched you, hrm? So close together……”

As he was asking, he also forced himself a little closer. Tong Yao’s back was against the cool wall and gasped from being pressed: “You saw? Why didn’t you come over?”

Lu Sicheng’s hand searched on Tong Yao’s lips and didn’t let go until he was sure that her lips were dry. His tight knitted eyebrows relaxed a bit. He pushed the person in his arms upwards and slightly lifted his head up to give her a loud smack-- -- Then he seemed to feel dissatisfied with it and bluntly bit her lips. He didn’t release Tong Yao’s slightly reddish lips until she hmphed in protest. Then the tip of his agile tongue pried open her teeth……

Tong Yao could sense his restlessness from his actions and didn’t push him away-- -- She just put her hands on his shoulder and lowered her head to accept his kisses……

Both of their breath became somewhat erratic.

Lu Sicheng let go of her and lifted his hand to brush away some messy stray hairs on her forehead. He looked into her eyes and said slowly: “I was waiting for you to push him away. I’ve said it before, a brat like him won’t easily give up unless you slap him to let him know it hurts……”

Tong Yao reached over to pinch his chin and lightly shook it: “Then aren’t you especially pleased when I pushed him away?”

“No.” Lu Sicheng kissed the tip of Tong Yao’s nose and said honestly: “I was anxious.”


“You should’ve kicked him away when he pushed you down onto the couch. Why bother listening to his nonsense?” Lu Sicheng slightly tilted his head: “What did he say that made you listen so attentively, hrm?”

Tong Yao frowned as if she had just remembered what Dubhe had said: “Ah, he said-- --”

Before she could finish, her whole body was carried away from the wall. Losing the support for her back, she screeched in a low voice then bent over to hug Lu Sicheng’s neck tight with both her arms as her legs encircling his firm waist like an octopus -- -- Next second, she and the man she was holding tightly fell into a soft bed……

“I’ll teach you a lesson. When your man asked while sounding particularly displeased about what the other male creature told you, he wasn’t really interested in knowing what you two had talked about.” Lu Sicheng’s hand reached in from under the hem of Tong Yao’s top and caressed her tummy: “He’s simply being unhappy.”

Tong Yao: “...................................................”

Tong Yao: “It looks like if I hadn’t pushed him away then, something big would’ve happened.”

Lu Sicheng: “Yes. Have you heard of abuse of power?”

Tong Yao: “......”

“The fact that he had talked to other clubs about transferring outside of the transfer window could be brought up at any time. I could get him banned, banned for a whole year……” The indignation in his voice soon sounded like he was joking towards the end. It was hard to tell whether he was joking or being serious……

Dubhe was trained by ZGDX and was a rare good Chinese ad in the current professional league. If a player like that would go to another club, it surely wasn’t a good thing for ZGDX……

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