Chapter 31

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Tong Yao skimmed through more than twenty thousand comments under the post, covering a wide range of opinions.

Some were directing their anger at Lu Yue-- --

[What’s the meaning of this? Damn, I thought Ming god’s hand injury was from playing too much. Even the official site didn’t give us a clear explanation. Now you’re telling us it was from a brawl…...Now the only thing I want to say is to Lu Yue, please go die ten thousand times.]

[A gang of Ming god’s fans are on the way here, it looks like they’re going to crash the ZGDX base.]

[I won’t accept Lu Yue rejoining ZGDX.]

[Lu Yue always looked evil to me. Hehe, you guys always say that he looks like Lu Sicheng. At the beginning of this video when he showed his face, I already knew he wasn’t Lu Sicheng. I’m not even Lu Sicheng’s fan.]

[Last season the league announced that Lu Yue would be banned from competing for a season because his involvement in a fight. No specifics were reported…...What the hell of a fight, so it was because of this?]

[I heard that the Lu family is wealthy and well connected, so the news was suppressed at the time.]


Some weren’t that angry, but questioned the motive of OP after they calmed down-- --

[Wait, why did OP disappear after posting the video? What’s the reason for the brawl? It doesn’t make sense that Lu Yue would barge into the room and hit someone whose team had already been downgraded.  What’s the reason?]


The last comment makes a lot of sense. It’s better for ZGDX fans to slow down before turning onto its own teammates. For now, I want to know the reason more than anything else……]

[I remember that JK had a new boss after being downgraded last year. The team was established by someone from a rich family who plays good games. It was attached under CK. So the people involved in this incident all have some background. The incident was concealed from the public so well; there was no news about this, not even a single leak.]


Some put their focus on Ming god-- --
[qaq our Yu Ming’s wrist. God, I cried out in class…...Why was he trying to break up the fight, idiot! ! !]

[I feel so sorry for him. I don’t feel good seeing all the blood.]

[Hope Ming god is alright now. How he suffered away from public sight. I totally can’t accept it whenever I think about this.]


There were other sentimental or abusive comments. Most of the emotional comments overshadowed the few that asked for the truth from the OP……

The one that caught Tong Yao’s eye was a suggestion by someone who had a vivid imagination that the video was posted by Smiling. Though she looked quite naive and sweet, she was actually quite cunning. Maybe it was because she was afraid that Lu Yue would take her place in the summer season, so she put this video up just at the right moment…..

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