Chapter 131

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The next morning, after Tong Yao got up, she found Dubhe was already sitting in the training area across from her room-- -- She didn’t notice it since she wasn’t paying attention at the time, but now as she carefully thought back, she remembered that under normal conditions, she and Dubhe were usually the first or the second one in the whole base to get up in the morning……

They saw each other across the hallway. Tong Yao didn’t know whether Dubhe had noticed the guilty conscience on her face when he looked up to glance at her and mumbled: “Morning.”

Tong Yao took out her cell phone to send a message to her captain-- --

[ZGDX, Smiling: I’m up. You all are still sleeping. Dubhe is up too. I’m going to get some breakfast for him, no objection?”

After sending the message, she put the cell phone in her pocket and went downstairs to take out a bun and a yogurt drink. Then she ran up the stairs and put both the bun and yogurt in front of Dubhe: “For you, Mr. Ultraman dog.”

Dubhe looked up and used a look which could dissect a person into pieces to glance over Tong Yao’s face. Then he obediently picked up the bun-- -- In the game, his teammates suddenly found him standing still in bushes as they were farming, they pinged near him twice then pinged with a question mark.

With a piece of bread in his mouth, he typed: [Eat breakfast.]

Tong Yao stood behind him watching him play. She pulled out her cell phone again and discovered that her captain who should be sound asleep at this time had replied to her WeChat-- --

[I want to tie the red thread with you: Not allowed.]

Tong Yao: “......”

[ZGDX, Smiling: Too late. I’ve already done it.]

[I want to tie the red thread with you: You’re already a dead body.]

[ZGDX, Smiling: ……………………….]

[I want to tie the red thread with you: I’ll take care of you after I wake up.]

Tong Yao put her phone away, keeping a smile on her face. Dubhe already went back to focus on playing his game…… Tong Yao stood behind him trying to say something but hesitated. After a while, she still couldn’t bring herself to say anything to him and was ready to get herself out of there. Suddenly, Dubhe started to talk: “You’ve seen that post?”

Tong Yao: “......Mhm.”

Dubhe: “Did you check it this morning?”

Tong Yao shook her head and took out the cell phone to check. She found that the post was still on top of Tieba’s homepage. Yet when she looked beyond it, all the posts were about Old Cat’s famous quote-- -- You may have seen the US president twitter, but when have you ever seen ZGDX’s captain apologizes? !

[Bystander A: That man, he would apologize!]

[Bystander B: We don’t know yet how many “fuck”s Old Cat had cursed when accepting his captain’s apology that day.]

[Bystander C: Reply to B, probably so much that he’s gotten all of this month’s pay deducted.]

[Bystander D: Poor guy. I can imagine that picture. All the kids on the ZGDX teams probably were frightened to death…...6666666 How about our OP? Didn’t you shout out that my Cheng Ge wouldn’t realize that he had made a mistake? You were jumping up and down so happily yesterday, why haven’t you said something today?]

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