Chapter 95

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YQCB lost the third match ten minutes later. This time it was because the substitute couldn’t keep up with the rest of the team. Those who had made a fuss about “Ai Jia the noob” “Ai Jia’s the cancer of the team” “what’s the use of this mid” “the team would be better if they replaced Ai Jia” finally had to shut their mouths-- --

Some of these people would still struggle to add: However, it didn’t make sense for Ai Jia to take Lulu in the last match, he should at least take the blame for that one?

Tong Yao looked at all those comments and thought: He shouldn’t.

She didn’t know whether it was Ai Jia who refused to play the third match or the club had made the change. She was so worried that she was still exchanging WeChat messages with Jinyang seconds before her own team’s match-- --

[Nighttime angler - the crazy fisherman: I’m still trembling, I thought this silly guy’s long forgotten  wolf spirit had re-awakened…...It took me so many years to tame the wild wolf into a husky, all that effort almost crushed by that girl.]

[ZGDX, Smiling: Uh, how’s he? He won’t be punished, will he? How about you?]

[Nighttime angler - the crazy fisherman: He’s fine. He didn’t do anything to that girl, how can they punish him? They can’t ban him just because he spoke a bit harshly, right? If that’s the case, how would Cheng Ge survive?]

[ZGDX, Smiling: …………………...You can still make fun of our captain, I guess you two are alright now ( ' - ' )]

[Nighttime angler - the crazy fisherman: En. Don’t worry, focus on your game!]

Tong Yao could set her mind at ease a little bit after reading Jinyang’s assurance…...She put away her cell phone and looked at her teammates who were standing up to walk out of the break room. Little Fatty and the others were discussing what would be a good lineup for today’s match. Tong Yao was the last one to walk out. When she stepped out of the room, Tong Yao abruptly said in a small voice: “Can we try 4 protect 1 again?”

Lu Sicheng was walking at the front but he had heard her. He turned around to look at her and stopped to ask her: “Your reason?”

Seeing the serious look Lu Sicheng was giving her, Tong Yao realized that Lu Sicheng at this moment wasn’t the boyfriend who had let her hug him in the hallway just a little while ago, he was the captain of ZGDX now…...Tong Yao straightened her back and nervously said: “Not really for any reason. It’s just now there is a lot of controversy about 4 protect 1. They said that any team that insists on playing it would never win this season…...But last time when we played Huawei, we used it very well in the second match against them. So I want to try it again to see whether it can be used or not-- --Isn’t there a saying that practice is the sole criteria for examining the truth.”

“You want to take Lulu.”


Tong Yao was a bit embarrassed that Lu Sicheng had seen through her true intention with a single remark.

Tong Yao slightly blushed, lowered her head to stare at her toes, and didn’t want to admit that besides wanting to give 4 protect 1 a try, she had other hidden motives…...However, before she could say anything, Lu Sicheng suddenly said: “I think it can work.”



Tong Yao was taken aback and looked up somewhat in shock.

“ Pope’s like a non-stick pan; no matter how badly he plays, there’s always people who will whitewash for him.” Lu Sicheng moved his wrist and said flatly: “Let him open his eyes and see how 4 protect 1 should be played. Making him lose a couple nights of sleep isn’t a bad thing. So, I agree.”

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