Chapter 70

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Tong Yao followed Lu Shicheng out of the room. Lu Yue happened to be outside and Tong Yao grabbed his uniform to pull him back: “Play well. Don’t screw it up. Don’t be timid, just do it.”

“What’s wrong?” Lu Yue was confused. “You’re going to retire?"

Lu Yue looked at Lu Shicheng as he walked ahead of them: “Did you crush her will?”

Before Lu Sicheng was able to respond, Tong Yao slapped Lu Yue’s back: “Nonsense. If we win this match, we’ll have won every match so far. Didn’t you seen those people outside— — waving the fluorescent sticks? That’s the glory I helped create with my own hands……”

Lu Yue: “And with foot you kicked it all away and paid 120K for it.”

Tong Yao: “......”

Lu Sicheng: “You two are too chatty.”

Lu Sicheng pulled Lu Yue’s jacket out of Tong Yao’s grip. Then Lu Sicheng pushed her back into the room, head first— —After the emotional soul searching talk with Lu Sicheng, Tong Yao felt more relaxed now, the burden on her heart seemed to have lightened. She went back to the rest area to sit with the staff and watch the match on the big screen. To tell the truth, after the lecture from Lu Sicheng, she was now more afraid that Lu Yue would fail this round.

Especially if they lost the match because Lu Yue couldn’t coordinate well with his teammates. If that happened, she felt compelled to kneel down and kowtow to her teammates to apologize— —

Tong Yao was quite nervous sitting in front of the live broadcast. The first thing Red Arrow did when the second match started was to ban Twisted Fate. Because Red Arrow also needed to prevent Lu Sicheng from picking Kalista and teaming up with Little Fatty’s Alista in bot, that they weren't able to ban Azir. Lu Yue got to pick Azir as his champion.

ZGDX’s mid lane effectively had a third turret now.

Tong Yao breathed a sigh of relief after Lu Yue got Azir. She leaned back in the chair and watched the match attentively while chatting with Xiao Rui: “What’s the story about Lu Yue’s Twisted Fate?”

Xiao Rui turned to take a look at Ming god and pointed his chin at the smiling man: “Ask him.”

Tong Yao looked at Ming god. He explained with the same smile: “I taught him. I told him any professional Chinese mid has to know how to play Twisted Fate, a jungler just has to know Lee Sin. The older generation of players practically established this fact— —They’re traditionally strong champions which has nothing to do with the edition of the game. One of these days, we’ll take these champions back to the world stage.”

Tong Yao: “I haven’t seen Lu Yue play him before.”

Min god: “Twisted Fate doesn’t match his style, so he generally doesn’t play— — But once he uses it, it’d be his trump card.  It’s proof that he cares about this match very much.”

Xiao Rui: “True. After all, it’s the fight to decide who’ll be the one staying behind to watch the drinking fountain.”

Min god: “Xiao Rui, don’t go and scare Tong Yao— —But it’s true that Lu Yue wasn’t willing to learn Twisted Fate until I said to him ‘see how smoothly Tong Yao plays Twisted Fate.’”

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