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I woke up at 7 to a quiet alarm. I was quick to shut it off,as to not wake up Kurt. But I was too late, I heard a roar. A really cute yawn, shut up mind, I thought to myself. I hopped off my bed and walked into the living room to find a shirtless Kurt. I covered my eyes acting I was 5.

"Shush. It was hot." He said smiling goofily and giggling. He felt around for his shirt and grabbed it before slipping it on. His blonde hair was shoulder length and messy. He looked extra tired, even more tired than the night before.
"Sorry if I woke you." I said sheepishly.
"No you didn't, I was awake before."
"Honest?" I asked him.
"Honest." He answered. He laid his hand on my dogs head.

"I should get dressed." I sighed. I trotted over to my room and shut the door the best I could. It didn't shut well. I grabbed my work clothes and then my pager and slipped it into my pocket. I found my wallet on the kitchen counter. Exactly as I had left it.
"You got anything to do today?" I asked Kurt.
"Nah, maybe run by my old house and get some of my stuff, can I bring my cat over here? It's still little." He pleaded.
"Why not?" I said.
"Cool. Can I follow you to work this morning?" He asked running his fingers through his hair. I ran a brush through my own and then handed it to him.

"Sure. It's a long boring day. And you can't sit in there without buying something. The boss is a strange one." I said.
"That's alright. I've got the money, despite the looks, my bands gotten pretty big." Kurt sighed as he ran the hair brush through his hair and sitting it on the table. My dog was taking a liking to him.
"You wanna run by your house to get some fresh clothes?" I asked him.
"Nah not right now I can wait. What time is it?" He asked. I looked at my watch.

"Shit. It's 8 and I have to be there at 8:30. Come on." I said as I pulled on my chuck taylors. I looked over at him realizing he had the same shoes as me, just slightly less beat up. I opened the door.
"Now, don't do any drugs, no parties, and no bitches." I said wagging my finger at my dog. Kurt laughed.
"You always do that?" He asked me.
"Yeah. Helps me stay sane." I said as I locked the door. There was a photograph laying on the concrete floor. Kurt picked it up and studied it.
"Hm." He mumbled.
"What is is?" I asked curiously looking over his shoulder the best I could. He lowered it so I could see. A small girl who looked about 7 was posing in the woods with a Umbrella.
"Odd." I said. I grabbed his wrist and started out of the building again as I checked my watch.
"8:09." I said without slowing my pace for the dragging Kurt.

We had been walking 10 minutes and it had stopped raining. The clouds were still imminent. The diner became visible as the rain began to our again. We started to run and I let go of Kurt.
We were both running faster now. We made it under the pavilion. I checked my watch.
"8:25." I said.
"And with time to spare." Kurt said flashing a goofy grin. I punched in my time card and put my apron on. I stood behind the counter.
"Hello." Kurt said, acting like a customer.
"Hi." I said handing him a menu.
"Cheese burger and fries and chocolate milk." He said giving me time to write t down. I delivered it to the cooks and stood in front of him. My elbow rested on the counter and I was bent over. Kurt was doing the same thing except he was sitting.

"Cheeseburger, fries, chocolate milk!" Fatso yelled. I grabbed it off of the table and sat it down on the counter in front of Kurt.
"Here." He said picking up a fry.
"Open your mouth silly, they'll yell at you if you pick them up." He said goofily. I opened my mouth allowing him to feed me the fry.
"Thanks." I said after I had chewed. Half of his cheeseburger had disappeared and Kurt was chewing with a mouthful. I pulled my hand up and touched his blonde locks. The bell rang saying someone else came in and I stood up pulling my hands away from Kurt and moving towards the register. A old man and what I was assuming to be his wife hobbled in.

"Oh honey go take a seat." The man said to his wife who was on a walker. She gladly made her way to a booth.
"Oh no sir, go sit with your wife, I'll bring the menus over." I said with a smile. Kurt put me in a oddly good mood. I grabbed menus and brought them over to the table. I had never seen the couple before.
"This is the place we had our first date, 50 years ago." The man said.
"Wow, you've been together a while haven't you?" I said to the man. I had put my name tag on after the incident with Kurt.
"Yes we have." The man said grabbing his wife's hand.
"Holler at me when you're ready to order." I said with a smile walking back to the counter and standing in front of Kurt. He handed me his plate and cup and I sat it in the sink.
"Excuse me miss!" I heard the same man say. I grabbed the notebook and a pen and walked over to them. The recited their orders and I smiled.
"Oh, and my wife wanted to tell you that you and your boyfriend are very cute together." The man said smiling and looked over at Kurt who was looking at us.
"Oh thank you, but he isn't my boyfriend. He's just a friend." I said.
"Oh I'm sorry. You two would make a cute couple though." I heard the old woman speak for the first time.
"Well thank you." I said with a smile and I delivered the note to the cooks. Kurt got up and hugged me.

" I'm going to go by my old house and get some of my stuff. You have a key to your apartment?" He asked.
"No just use a credit card, that's what I do." I replied.
"Alright." He said as he walked to the door. He waved to the old couple and they waved back. Fatso yelled and I grabbed their order and set it on a tray. I walked it over to them and set it down.
"Thank you....uh" he looked at my name tag. "Ruby." He added confidently.
"No problem." I said as I smiled. The rest of that day was a drag. And before I knew it Ricky was jumping on my shoulder yelling that my shift was over.
"Thanks." I said to him as I took off my apron.
"No problemo." He said hyperly.
I walked out the door and onto the concrete. It was warmer this morning, there wasn't a hint of rain in the sky, which was odd for Washington. I started to walk home when I saw a car pull up beside me. I was about to run as the window rolled down revealing Kurt.
"God dammit Kurt. You scared me."i said.
"Sorry. Hop in." He said with a sheepish grin. There was a small brown cat on his lap. I hopped in and shut the door.
"Traveling without seat belts on I see? Rebels aren't we?" Kurt said sarcastically.
"Totally." I said as I buckled my seat belt and grabbed the kitten. I petted it softly and it playfully bit my hand.

The car ride was short and silent. Not that it was bothersome. Kurt grabbed two duffel bags as I opened the car door. He grabbed a guitar case and shut the car door. I walked towards the stairs and got out my old credit card. I opened the door to see a perky dog. I was holding the small kitten, slightly scared of my dog's reaction. He didn't growl. Kurt came in and shut the door.

"Put your stuff anywhere really. Not like I have a image to keep." I said. He smiled tossing the bags to a corner and then carefully setting down the guitar. He sat on the couch and then flicked on the tv. I walked to my room to change clothes. I threw on a t shirt and a pair of pajama pants. I emptied my pockets and threw my dark hair up in a bun. I didn't care. I took off the little make up I had on and then walked back into the living room. My dog was laying on his lap and his kitten was curled up near my dog. I sat down next to Kurt, taking in his clothing change. A brown shirt and ripped jeans. He was watching Hey Arnold! His blue eyes were transfixed on the screen. We sat like that for a few moments.
"Me and Courtney are completely though..." Kurt said sadly. I wrapped my arms around him. I felt a spring pop beneath me.
"This couch is uncomfortable eh?" I said softly into his neck.
"Yeah." He said laughing. I could feel him talk. He had placed his arms around me and was rubbing my back. A crack of thunder startled us both and I leaned in closer to him. He hugged me tight.
"Friend cuddles." I whispered, almost wishing I could say we were more than friends.
"Yeah. Friends are some of the best things in life." He sighed. The power went out in a flutter. I hugged into his side more tightly. He pulled my dog off of him and set the kitten to his side as e picked me up.
"What are you doing?" I said slightly alarmed.
"Shhhh." He said. The cracks of lightening illuminated his path to my bedroom. I didn't question him. He dropped me on the side of the bed closest to the wall.
"I'll be right back." He said. He made his way to the living room. I got situated under the blankets as a crash of thunder made me grip the blanket. Kurt came back with a candle and he had put on pajama pants. He set the candle on the bedside table and read my watch.
"11:38." He said and he crawled into my bed next to me. He blew out the candle and it was dark. I snuggled into his shoulder.
"Is this okay?" I asked.
"Perfectly fine." He said as he wrapped his arm around my side.
"Goodnight Ruby."
"G'night Kurt."

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