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I woke up for no apparent reason, or perhaps the sun was in my face. Kurt was laying on his side beside me soundly asleep. His scruffy face was in the shadow of sunlight. I poked him slightly.
"Wha-" he said groggily.
"Shh time to wake up." I said as I looked in his almost hypnotic blue eyes.
"Oh fine." He said as he turned over and looked at my watch.
"What day is it!?" I said panicked.
"Calm down yesterday was Friday."

A few minutes had passed of us staring at eachother.
"Well let's get up. I need to find a new apartment so I'm not a burden." Kurt said without a hint of happiness. Before he got up I wrapped my arms around him and nuzzled into his chest.
"You're far from a burden, you're.." I thought for a moment.
"You're my best friend." I added. He hugged me close.
"So can I stay here a few days? I'll help you pay rent or something."
"As long as you want." I said contently. Kurt got up and groggily made his way to the kitchen.
"You want me to make you breakfast?" He asked.
"You don't have to." I said as I got up and followed him.
"But I will." He said as he goofily smiled at me and looked in my fridge.
"I have frozen waffles." I said with a grin. He looked back and smiled at me.
"That will do."

We were sitting on the couch surrounded by animals.
"You are not eating my waffle kitty." Kurt said looking at his cat sternly. I busted out into a fit of laughter.
"What?" He said looking at me with a confused yet hilarious face. I laughed even harder.

"Are you laughing at my face?" He said as he began to contort his face into the silliest facial expressions imaginable.
"Good lord, Cobain." I said as I stopped laughing and continued eating.
He got up and walked into the kitchen. I hopped up and followed. He was standing above the sink with the water running.
"I'll wash your plate. " He offered.
"No it's okay."
"It's the least I could do. You're letting me stay with you."
"Fine." I said as I handed him my plate. He laughed and continued to wash our dishes. I made my way to my bedroom and put on clothes. Just a t-shirt and jeans, Nothing special. I heard quiet singing.

"I think I'm going to take a shower." Kurt said.
"Bathroom's on the right." I said.
"Alright." He said as I walked out. He was grabbing clothes.
"Does your cat need to be fed?" I asked as I petted the kittens silky fur. It batted at my hair.
"Uh yeah, she'll eat anything, I'm sure."Kurt said as he made his way to the bathroom. I got up and walked to the kitchen. I heard the water turn on as I opened the fridge to find food to feed Kurt's kitten.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yelled. (I was high as shit while writing this next part, beware.)
"NO!" He yelled over the water. I found a random piece of lunch meat that I put on a plate and set on the floor next to the kitten. I poured my dog's food into his bowl and walked into the living room. I was watching some sort of old person make over show. Kurt strutted in and decided to shake his wet hair causing droplets of water to fall on me as he laughed.

"YOU LITTLE DICK BUCKET!" I yelled at him. He broke out into a fit of laughter and plopped on the couch next to me.
"You're so mean." He said as he stared at me with an amused facial expression.
"What do you want to do today?" I decided to ask him.
"I'm not sure. I never asked you were you were from." He said.
"Oh, the sunny shores of-no I'm just kidding Nevada." I said seriously. He started to laugh harder.
"Aberdeen born and grown." He said between breaths.

"Anyways I'm bored what do you have planned to entertain me?" I said.
"I don't know. What do you want to do?" He asked.
"I don't know. That's why I'm asking you."
"Do you want to meet my band mates?" He asked.
"Sure." I said.
"Alright. Can I invite them over?" He asked.
"Sounds good." I said as he got up grabbed the house phone that was connected to the wall.

He punched in a number and held the receiver to his ear.
"Hey Dave. Tell Krist to come over here. And you should too, obviously. " he said with a laugh and then told him my address. He stuck the phone back on the wall and plopped beside me. He grabbed my hand and inspected it.
"Your hands are cold." he noticed as he grabbed my other hand and put my hands between his. I smiled weakly.
"You know I feel like I've known you forever." I admitted.
"You too." Kurt said. He was staring blankly above the door.
"You know there's something I've been meaning to tell you.." He said. He trailed off a bit. There was a loud knock at the door. Kurt let go of my hands and got up leaving me wondering.

He opened the door to reveal two men.
"Hey! Dave! Krist! How are you?" He said as he pulled the two guys into hugs inviting them in.
"I've been pretty good." One with long dark hair said.
"Same here." The super tall man spoke.
"Anyways come on in." Kurt said. The guys came in and stood in front of the coffee table.
"This is Krist." Kurt said gesturing to the tall man.
"And this is Dave." Kurt said gesturing towards the guy with long hair. I got up and motioned for them to sit on the couch. They obeyed and plopped down beside each other and then scooted close to each other. Kurt sat close to Dave and patted next to him. I sat down.
"Well now what?" Dave said as I settled in.
"Want to see a movie?" Krist suggested.
"Nothing interesting is on." Dave said glumly. I felt something poking my shoulder. It was a hand.
"OKAY! WHO THE FUCK IS POKING MY SHOULDER!" I said. Kurt began to laugh uncontrollably causing the others to laugh too.
"Sorry. That was me. You're just so bony. " Dave said goofily.
"Shush, she's perfect." Kurt said wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"KURT'S GOT A CRUSH!" Krist yelled.
"I do not!" Kurt protested.
"Yea right." Dave said.
"End of conversation!" Kurt said resembling a fire truck.

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